!Go To Your Corners!

!Go To Your Corners!

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We’ve had to re-arrange our Runner Ducks…..

…..they’ve become………….overly amorous…..

I’ve mentioned before that Runner Ducks are “seasonal layers”…by that I mean they don’t lay eggs all year ’round…only in the Springtime…..

And one could assume that “fertilizing” the eggs would only need to occur seasonally as well…..

Ha!………….tell that to the drakes…..

…..randy little dudes…..

I mean…It’s mid-June…Springtime is almost over…..

They should be hanging up their propensity for procreating pretty soon…..

But…tell that to the drakes…(I’ve tried)…..

I thought we had a fairly healthy ratio of boy ducks versus girl ducks…..

Brave & his poultry friends…

However…we seem to have some hoarders…or maybe it’s just that a couple of the boys are more popular…..

I don’t know…..

But the ratio is not as even as it could be…..

Some of the boys have too many hens in their mini-flock…while there’s a small group of marauding bachelor drakes…wandering around…being very “opportunistic”…..

…..and that’s putting it mildly…..

The hens are starting to look ragged…and frazzled…..

Some are afraid to come out of the coop in the morning…..

I’ve even had to save one of them who was mired in some too-deep mud…after I’d chased off the industrious boys………….because they were pushing her head under the mud!…..

And Nancy?………….for a Runner Duck………….she’s way too slow…..

Slow Nancy’s real popular with the bachelors…maybe she’s just easy…I try not to judge…..

But she needs to pick up her pace…..

The last straw was when Nancy had to be saved from being tangled up in some vines and briars…..

Nancy had lacerations on her ducky feet…and my older daughter had to cut her out of the mess she’d gotten trapped in…..

…..she was hysterical…but okay…..

However…all the bachelor boys were just waiting for their chance…..

It was ridiculous…..

So for the health of the other duck hens…(and Nancy)…we had to make some alterations to the boy’s free-range status…..

Remember the turkey coop…and MaryJane’s passing?…..

Well…the rude drakes have found their new home…along with some very cranky French Black Copper Maran hens…..

The bachelor drakes made their own decisions…now they are truly hen-pecked…..

…..(serves them right)…..







#frenchblackcoppermaran #poultryoverbreeding

#runnerducks #murraymcmurry #strombergs #cacklehatchery #

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