Geriatric Fitness

Geriatric Fitness

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Well…if I’m going to be able to ride and Fox Hunt again…I’m going to have to be fit…..

So…I’ve been working hard at improving my fitness level…..

There’s been too much sedentary time on the couch…in around surgeries…..

I’ll be like one of those old bolted together Erector-Sets sitting on top of a horse…..

*****(The Erector Set—Another Retro Game From My Youth)*****

Where I now have four new joints and a reamed-out heart…my musculature and aerobic capacity has taken a header…..

…..but…I’m just the person to figure out how to fix that…and to improve the State of the Union…(i.e. my fitness level)…..

……………..(remember…I’m an Athletic Trainer by profession)………….

I don’t have a gym membership…(I’m too cheap)…..

…..but I have the background and wherewithal to manage a decent exercise program here at home…..

… balls…bicycle tire tubing…ladders…you know…thinking outside the box…..

As I’ve already mentioned…Sabine tried (unsuccessfully) to chew up my 5 pound free weights…..

…..silly hound…..

And…I’ve discovered my core strength………….is gone…..

…..where I used to do twenty-five sit-ups a day…I’ve found I can’t do ONE anymore…..

…………..So That’s Gotta Change………….

Slow but sure…strength of character…pure/applied stubbornness…that should get the job done…..

…..sore muscles…a line-up of mental excuses not to exercise…procrastinations…..

Those are my enemies…..

First…I started doing squats (well…as deep I could…with two artificial knees)…and that ultimately became too easy…then I moved to single leg squats…and that got too easy…..

…(Are You Kidding Me!?!)…

Now I’m doing steps on the aluminum ladder (that’s currently propped up on the deck)…..

………….which Has Not become too easy yet………….

I’m doing curls and tricep extensions…and forearm pronations and supinations with my free weights…..

I’ve got a variety of levels of crunchable donuts for grip strength…..

…(oops…wrong donuts)…

…(Note how Sabine got ahold of this donut and chewed it)…

… skin may be crinkly like crepe paper…but somewhere under there…some muscles are re-developing…..

…..because they hurt…..

I need to be strong enough to get on my horse and then…stay on…..

…..most of the time…..

I’m not delusional enough to think I’ll ever mount a tall horse from the ground again…..

…..(I’m not that proud…and/or hallucinatory…that’s not a word…but I’ll use it anyway)…..

I have my wonderful (multi-step/portable) ladder for that…..

You just watch…I’ll get there…..

I’m tired of Jello-butt…..

And cellulite-dimpling doesn’t look good under Spandex riding breeches…..

…..just saying…..







#mastersofthefoxhounds #southcreekfoxhounds #scf #spandex

#nata #ataf #certifiedathletictrainer #sportsmedicine #theraband #cellulite #adipose

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