*****Gatsby Was Gone*****

*****Gatsby Was Gone*****

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Sam, Gatsby  &  Zelda

Not a good thing…..

Not good at all…..

Remember the repair guys…..?…..

They are STILL installing the front windows…..

…..yes…..they are…..

…..how many days has that been…..?…..

…..we’re not counting….

…..apparently……they work on a mañana and/or domani schedule…..

…..yesterday they showed up at 5:45pm…..(at twilight)…..(?)…..

…..to continue their abandoned repair work on our windows…..

But…..unbeknownst to me…..

…..they dragged their handy-dandy extension cord through the front porch door to plug in their power tools…..

…..I understand electric tools need…..electricity…..


…..we have a very available electrical outlet…..within easy reach…..in the garage…..


…..did they ask me…..?…..

No…..they did not…..

The evening got darker…..as it naturally and usually does…..

It got down right dark….

…..and the porch door was slightly ajar…..

…..(because the extension cord was through it)…..

But did I know……?…..

No…..I did not…..

And the night went on…..and on…..and on…..

Addy  &  Claire

…..(didn’t we start this project over a week ago?)…..

…..(for $$$$$…..shouldn’t it be done by now?)…..

(hardly enough)…

But no…..

…..I lost patience at around 9:00 and I think I politely (?) asked them if they could finish the next day…..

Copernicus, Prosecco, Archimedes, Sam, & Zelda

…..that’s when we did a head-count of the house cats……

……we were down by one…..


…..Gatsby & Zelda are my older daughter’s rescue cats…..(they were left abandoned in an apartment when the occupants left without them)…..

Gatsby  &  Zelda

…..(Gatsby may have been there when the apartment was bug-bombed…..we don’t know)…..

…..(poor Gatsby doesn’t fire on all cylinders)…..

*****And He Was Missing*****

*****The Kitty Search Ensued*****

We searched for hours and hours…..we covered all the pastures and swamps…..

…..all of them…..totally…..in the dark…..

But No Gatsby…..sigh…..

…..(he doesn’t have an ounce of survival instinct)…..

…..(the half-hearted repairmen were long gone)…..

…..(along with their stupid extension cord)…..

…..We stopped searching sometime after midnight…..

As we all know…..I don’t sleep well…..

…..(except, apparently, when there is a window being smashed somewhere in the house during the wee hours of the night)…..

So I was awake and wandering at 5:00am…..

…..you know…..

…..checking things…..

And lo and behold…..there was a rattled/fractious Gatsby sitting on the outside of the door…..

…..really wanting to come back inside…..

He didn’t seem any worse for wear…..

He ate more than his share of proffered snackles…..

………….and I slept soundly for the next two hours………….

…………Phew!…..that was a close one………….



(…..and the stupid windows still aren’t done…..sigh…..)



#cats #glazier #brokenwindow #swamp #housecat #clydesdale #powertool #florida #swamp

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