~~~Gardening—Step #1~~~

~~~Gardening—Step #1~~~

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Maybe this isn’t Step #1…maybe researching & buying the seeds was…..

Maybe the garden won’t happen this Spring…..

…..but discing was a necessary next step…..

…..and ground preparations…..

I’ve figured out where I want the garden…..

I already got the welded metal panels to (hopefully) deter the deer…the chickens and………….the goats…..

…the goats don’t respect our gardening attempts…

Our friend Ralph came over with his wonderful/ancient tractor…with it’s wonderful/ancient accoutrements…..

I thought he was just going to disc the ground for us…I’m not sure what’s the proper name for the attachment he brought…..

…..but he disc’ed and fluffed and turned the soil…..

…..and when he was finished…It Was Just SO Fluffy!!!…..

Now the next step…(whatever step number that might be)…..

…..is to cut our stored telephone poles and put in corner posts…then nail up the welded metal panels…(all two layers of them)—(deer can jump really high)—(fortunately goats can’t)…..

…(We all know it’s the goats and not the deer who are the problem…Right?)…

…..and then…we start planting…..

I’ve got the seeds…I’ve got the supplies…I’ve now got the fluffy-dirt…..


…..by the time this next/delayed heart “procedure” is done and I can start putting up the panels and chain-sawing the posts…..

…..it’ll be in the middle of July’s heat…..

…..and the weeds will have taken over…again…..

Over the years…I’ve been told…(repeatedly)…(ad nauseam)…that I’m a “Polarity-Learner”…..

…..(which means…if I’m told I can’t do something…I sure as hell will)…..

…..hmmm………….well………….that’s the plan then…..

My stubbornness has gotten me this far…why should I ignore it now…..

I feel sure a little bit more applied stubbornness will get me past this current state of frustration and ennui…..

…..onward to Step #2………….(or whatever’s the next number is) of my Gardening #101 project….

I’ll eventually get there…..





#polaritylearning #yahoo #google #YouTube #marysheirloomseeds #territorialseedcompany

#weldedmetalpanels #dolomite #magnesium #acids-oil

#heirloomseeds #gardens #vegetablegarden #propagating #germinating #telephonepoles

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