Future Ducklings?

Future Ducklings?

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I know my posting about eggs may have gotten repetitive…..

…..the egg-production here is still at an over-whelming level…..

The roadside vegetable stand where I used to sell them closed down…..I have to find another one…..ASAP…..

I started the incubator to give a shot at hatching out some ducklings again…..

I never know if the Runner Duck eggs will mature and hatch…..

…..they’re just so dirty…..

There are nice/dry/straw-lined places for the ducks and chickens to lay their eggs…..

…..but the ducks opt for the mud…..(?)…..

I’m really not enough of a duckling-hatching-aficionado to know if that makes a big difference…..

…..I’d like to think the ducks would know the best place to lay their eggs for future offspring…..

…..if they know what they’re doing…..then laying their eggs in sloppy mud (out of choice) is the thing to do…..

But I just don’t know…..

I tried to brush off as much of the dried mud and dirt as possible before starting to incubate them…..

I just don’t know if it will work out…..they are sooo dirty…..

Copernicus & Sam sitting on another Incubator…

And then…..

…..there are the house cats…..

…..who love sitting on the incubator to watch the automated/tilting (dirty) eggs…..

…..(there’s a viewing-window in the lid of this incubator)…..

I don’t blame them…..the incubator is warm on their tushies…..they get to watch mesmerizing/rotating eggs…..while they blissfully dream of future snacks…..

I tried to rig the incubator so the cats would be deterred from sitting on the lid…..

…..I put aluminum foil balls on the lid and stuck scary-looking/multi-colored/striped straws in them…..

…..it didn’t scare the cats away…..they played with the foil balls and plucked out the straws…..

…..I’m still finding chewed on straws under the furniture or stuck in corners…..

Then I resorted to the old standby of cut hardware cloth…..with the pokey edge wires sticking out at all angles…..

The cats carefully flattened the pokey bits and laid on top of the wire to watch the moving eggs underneath…..

And that’s where it’s been left…..


…..the cats won…..(this round anyway)…..

…..I have a lot of dirty duck eggs incubating away…..


…..and I don’t know if they are going to hatch…..or not…..

…..Time will tell…..






#runnerducks #incubator #eggcandling #ducklings #cats #hardwarecloth #littlegiantincubator

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