Functional Chimney Caps

Functional Chimney Caps

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What’s that old expression…..?…..

It has to do with not appreciating something…..until it’s gone…..?…..

…..that applies to so many things…..

But what about if you never even knew you had something…..

…..then you realize that IF you had it…..

…..things would/could have been so much better?…..

I’d like to apply that to our dysfunctional/broken chimney cap…..

Who knew there was such a thing as a chimney cap…..?…..

I kind of thought we had one…..

…..(honestly I never knew they existed)…..

Upon closer inspection… looked like there was a cap up there on top of our chimney…..

…..but apparently…..looks deceive…..

…..or something changed…..

We’ve lived here a long time…..(decades)…..

I never remembered having problems with the chimney…..

But we’ve got them now…..

The effect of the rains over the last few years have started leaking down the chimney and into the house…..

“Knowledgeable” professionals have told us that we have an “ill-fitting/cracked chimney cap”…..

…..Well Shazam…..!…..

…..that must be why we are getting trickling water into the den whenever it rains heavily…..

…..not just water…..

…..but sooty/black/inky/syrupy/stuff…..


Maybe I should just squirt a bunch of Dawn dishwashing liquid down from the top and use the leaky/wetness to my scrubbing advantage…..

…..and scrub out the interior of the chimney…..

On second thought…..

…..maybe I shouldn’t do that at all…..

Right now we are up to three mop buckets in the fireplace during some of the more impressive rain storms…..

We only have three mop buckets…..we really could use four…..

Our wonderful old house continues to be a fixer-upper…..

… just never know what new  &  interesting projects are just around the corner…..

…………………we wait with baited breath…………………


(…..see…this would have been such a boring post if it weren’t for the cute pictures of babies in hats…..)





#cutebabies, #Dawndishsoap,

#soot, #chimney, #chimneysweep, #chimneyleaks, #chimneycap, #hats,

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