~Fun With Water Tanks~

~Fun With Water Tanks~

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Cami in repose…

Earlier this week…I talked about the “rubbish” that was at the bottom of our water tanks…..

I thought this post could discuss water tanks and their added paraphernalia and why…..

…..(Geez…that sounds so boring)…..

But it’s really not…it’s super interesting…and I’ll make it fun…..

There are good reasons for all of it…(really there are)…..


Florida has lots of bugs…specifically…Florida has lots of mosquitoes…..

They need standing water to lay their eggs…..

…..during the hot rainy months…(when mosquitoes flourish)…everybody keeps reminding everyone else to empty anything that holds standing water…..

…..bird baths…plant pots…(swamps)…anything outdoors that could collect any water whatsoever…..

Big livestock tanks with hundreds of gallons of water…just waiting for mosquito egg incubation…are prime suspects…..

In the South…there are special small minnow-like mosquito-larvae-eating fish who are sold in pet stores and feed stores…..

Gold Fish in one of our tanks…

We’ve found they’re too small and narrow…and easily get flushed over the edge when you’re re-filling the tanks…..

So as a result…we’ve gravitated towards the bigger chunkier goldfish…..

…..and they do a good job…..

They’re bigger…so they don’t go “over-board” easily…they’re colorful…and easier to see & count…..

…..but being colorful…the cranes and ibis’ see them more easily too…(I try to buy the dull-colored goldfish)…..

Hence the necessity for PVC tubing & pipes at the bottom of each tank…..

…..if the goldfish see any shadows fly overhead or silhouettes peering into their tanks…they scoot for their PVC-hidey-holes…..

Theoretically…the goldfish keep the algae and the mosquito population down…..

Hadrian & the fish…(they nibble the food slobbers off the Wolfhound’s whiskers)…

…..and because we buy the inexpensive “feeder fish”…it gives them more of a chance…rather than being doomed to be a meal for another bigger aquarium critter…..

It seems to be working out well…(at least for the smart fast fish)…..

The 2″x 4″ boards in each tank…(we’ve learned over the years)……..make good safety ladders out of the tanks…..

They probably work better than we’re even aware…(because when we find someone in the tank…it’s usually too late)…..

Baby Finley

…..unfortunately over the years (even with the board)…we’ve found a few unlucky squirrels (probably because they were too fat and sank) and a couple sodden-sunk hens…..

…..and one juvenile hawk…(that was really sad)…..

Additionally…so many (all) of our water tanks have leaks…(little artesian geysers)…on their sides that need plugging…..

With dozing draft horses lazily “tapping” their monster hooves against the sides of the tanks…it’s not surprising that they regularly spring leaks…..

…leaking tank…

We should’ve bought stock in the company that makes J-B Weld…it’s a great product for plugging tank holes…..

…..I’m sure some of our older tanks are more J-B Weld than galvanized metal…..

So see…didn’t I make a possibly boring subject super-dee-duper interesting?…..

*****Fun With Water Tanks*****

*****Next on the syllabus is…The Joy Of Chainsaw Maintenance*****

…..(oooh!…what fun!)…..






#agrimastergalvanizedtanks #rubbermaidtanks #mosquitolarvae #stihl #floridasummer #florida

#jbweld #tractorsupply #ruralking #tartertanks #behlencountrytanks #countylinetanks #mosquito

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