***Fun With The Winter Solstice***

***Fun With The Winter Solstice***

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*****The Farmer’s Almanac*****

I have several of my friends who are as life-experience comfortable as I am…..

…..we try to get together for the Winter Solstice…(weather-willing)…..

…..(my older daughter and I decided it’s better to call us “life-experience-comfortable” rather than saying we already have our deli-number in heaven’s waiting room)…(I’ll have 3/4 lb. of the smoked turkey and 1/4 lb. of the Swiss)…..

But the Winter Solstice is a great excuse for a bonfire…burning and cleaning-up fallen limbs…sitting around the fire…sipping cheap wine-coolers…using our infamous/purple/plastic cups…..

It was in the 40’sF a day ago…it’s warmer today…there was rain (again)…it’s not supposed rain tonight…..

…..who knows…..

The Winter Solstice will roll through somewhere between 4:00pm and 5:00pm here in Florida…..

Our Front Yard…

We have nummy snacks planned…..

…..water-chestnuts wrapped in bacon…baked brie with cashews & cayenne…salsa & chips…MORE baked brie (but this time with Nutella)…and cookies…and cookies…and rum balls…..

…..and more rum balls…..

…..did I mention I like rum balls?

So really it’s just an evening of mesmerizing flames…and friends…and great snacks…and bodacious wine-coolers…..

…..(and as you already know…no expense is spared on the wine-coolers)…..

…..(I can guess you are probably still shaking your head in a heart-felt—“Oh, Hell No”)…..

But you just can’t beat Diet Mt. Dew and Carlo Rossi wine…(you just can’t make a decision until you’re well into your second cooler)…..

Celebrate Where You Can…Celebrate Whenever You Can…Revel With Friends…Appreciate The Good Whenever Possible…..

…..and don’t “Dis” what’s in the Big Purple Cup!…..






#floridawinter #burgundywine #chablis #caberetsauvignon

#carlorossi #dietmountiandew #mountaindew #wintersolstice #farmers almanac #brie

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