~~~Full Flower Moon Eclipse~~~

~~~Full Flower Moon Eclipse~~~

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Last night was the Full Flower moon…..May’s full moon…..

It was also a total eclipse of the moon in our area of the world…..

I have to admit…..it was a night with a lot of restlessness…..

…..the feral and domestic animals were not quiet…..

…..I even spent some time in the pasture in my jammies with Addy watching the eclipse…..

Our infamous roosters didn’t even wait for 3:30 am to crank into gear…..

…..it was so bright all night (even with the eclipse)…..everyone felt inclined to add their two cents to everyone else’s grumbles  &  caws  &  crows  &  snorts…..

You know…..a real easy and relaxing night for sleeping…..

Something tells me that all of the critters are going to be lethargic and prone to napping today (during the daylight hours)…..just because they were so very busy last night…..

…..not sleeping when they were supposed to…..

For those of you who are interested…..the Moon was in the sign of Scorpio…..and lets not forget that Friday was just the Thirteenth too…..

There are a lot of things that farmers still schedule with the waxing and waning of the Moon…..

…..along with the progression of the Seasons…..

Pick up a copy of the annual Farmer’s Almanac and read the seasonal sections…..there are times for sowing  &  reaping  &  clipping  &  pruning  &  gelding  &  docking…..

…..you name it…..

…..there’s a time for every purpose under heaven…..


……I think I’ve heard that one before…..






#bible #eclipse #lunareclipse #flowermoon #FalmersAlmanac #scorpio #horoscope

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