Fox Hunting & Grits

Fox Hunting & Grits

Oatmeal not Grits

Fox Hunting and Grits…..

Is there a correlation…..?

… may well be asking…..?

Probably not…..


…..why talk about grits…..(?)…..

…..because the ones at the Opening Hunt Meet’s catered brunch…..

…..OMG…..they were the absolute BEST I’ve EVER had…..

…..I don’t know what they added to this stuff…..


…..I don’t know…..

…..but it was addictive…..!!!

Normally (for me) grits are like gritty (ha!) wallpaper paste…..

(This Might As Well Be Grits)

……..wallpaper paste has more flavor…..and it’s smoother…..

But these grits were good…..(?)…..

…..who knew…..!…..

And the French toast they served…..


…..they were these slices of eggy-Cuban-bread that had this sweet/cream-cheese-stuff in the middle…..

…..dipped and fried…..

…..and then maple syrup…..

I know I should be talking more about Opening Hunt Meet…..

…..but the caterer blew my socks off…..

That combined with a beautiful/sunny/breezy day…..and friends…..and horses…..on an absolutely beautiful ranch…..

…..what could be more perfect…..?

Remember the train tracks that I had spoken about in my last post?…..

…..well…..I left Dr. Atkins on the other side of those tracks…..

…..I was having a private moment with those phenomenal/mystery grits…..and the cream-cheesy French toast…..

(this is actually oatmeal…..grits are so non-photogenic & boring…..that of FORTY-EIGHT pages of public-domain/breakfast-food photos…..there were NONE of grits…)

…..and let’s not forget the seconds of the imitation maple syrup…..

…..I DO love myself some carbs…..

…..I DO…..

I know I promised to talk more about Saint Hubert…..and Fox Hunting…..and Opening Hunt Meet…..

…..and I will…..

…..but that carb-memory came up and temporarily took over…..


…..I’ll behave…..I swear…..

…..I’ll get past this…..

…..I’ll untie Dr. Atkins and get him off the tracks…..

…..I will…..






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