Fort Lonesome

Fort Lonesome



You Guessed It…….That’s Not Me.

Yes, Fort Lonesome is a place in Florida.

And yes, my younger daughter & I were there today working in one of Mary Constance’s pasture with horses, in a farm between Fort Lonesome and Wimauma, Florida…………………….it was brutally hot.

…………and yes, we both got heat exhaustion…………

I had thought I was doing all right…………just seeing double a little bit…………….a few wobbly steps……………..the top of my head was boiling (yes, no work gloves & no hat)……………but that’s kind of normal for me…

But, my daughter……………… first clue was when she started hurling (dry heaves) while sitting on a hay bale in the shade……………….


Upon checking her out…………………the only color she had in her face was the gray-ness of her lips.

Hmmmmmmm…………………………..not good…




I think we were out in the sun too long.

(Really!?!—–What was your first clue, woman!?!!!)


What’s that expression?………………………..”Mad dogs & Englishmen go out in the noon day sun”?  (Thank you Noel Coward.)……………………well, I guess that makes us mad dogs then because, in this family, only my spousal-unit (Paolo) is the Englishman……………………and he was safely & intelligently ensconced in his air-conditioned, cooled office.


So, cross-eyed mom and gray-lipped/clammy daughter stopped pitch-forking manure in the afternoon sun, crawled into the air-conditioned truck (which is only mildly spitting out cool air), and headed home.



Now, the pink-lipped child is sleeping on the couch in a dark, cool den.


Mom (a.k.a. Swamp Hag) is trying to keep down her lunch, and is forcing fluids.

My stomach is a Disney World roller-coaster ride after a bad fish dinner………..


The Summer Equinox is the day after tomorrow.

Yep, the Florida summer is here!


What was I thinking…………?!!!!!




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