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…..(you knew I’d ride this one into the ground, didn’t you?)…..

So with the Follicular-Salt-Accumulation on the horses…..and their insistent/incessant rubbing…..

One (me) tried a lot of different remedies…..

…..all of them worked…..somewhat…..

Baths…..grooming…..clipping…..spraying…..slathering on so many different ointments…..

…..the horse health industry is alive and thriving with a variety of (expensive) salves and gels and oils and ointments…..

Anja & Addy

That’s why I developed my “Signature Goop”…..

***Review My “Infamous Goop Post”—for my Infamous Goop Recipe***

***Why Do Horses Rub?***—–I have no !@#$%^&^%$$#@!’ing idea…..!…..I’ve tried everything…..!…..

Claire’s Hairy Legs…and Itchy Sore…

Oooh…..and let’s not forget my semi-effective “Anti-Itch Spray”…..

…..which has evolved to a spray bottle filled with Listerine along with peppermint oil and colloidal silver and some citronella oil (for good measure)…..

Clipping Off Addy’s Feathers…

…..(I should throw some Dawn dishwashing liquid into all of these recipes…..it’s good for EVERYTHING…..it’s the world’s panacea)…..

…..(on second thought…..I’d better not…..then the horses would just bubble-up in the rain)…..(and the neighbors would think we were all rabid)……

…..but I digress…..

***** The very first order of business HAS TO BE getting the horses (and their itchy asses) away from my truck *****

…..you know…..because of their “Follicular-Salt-Accumulation itching…..(HA!)…..

Itchy Brave

So…..my older daughter and I strung scrap-wiring around the front yard to cordon off the horses from the important/expensive things that we don’t want them rubbing on…..

That age-old technique of faking the horses out and having them think that the single strand of flagged-wire is electrified…..

It’s worked so far…..

The horses are none the wiser…..

Let’s keep hoping that our luck holds…..







#crisco #electricfence #dawndishwashingliquid #listerine #citronellaoil #peppermintoil

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