~~~Florida Weather~~~

~~~Florida Weather~~~

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Well…isn’t this a special date 11/11/22…..

It must have some meaning?…I’ll have to look it up…..

…..(apparently it’s supposed to be a Lucky Day…that’s always good)…..

And…here we are…post-Nicole…that’s Lucky…..

Some of my older daughter’s friends have been visiting in Orlando from Arizona…..

…..the first thing they said…after their flight landed was…..

…..”The air is soup!  We can’t breath!”…..

I would think there’s a teensie-bit of difference between the humidity in Florida versus Phoenix…..

…..just a smidge…..

Not only that…but Florida served them their very own tiny-hurricane…just for them…for their visit…that’s so special…..

…..they did the Magic Kingdom stuff…until it closed…..

…..they couldn’t leave…Orlando’s airports shut down…..

I’m sure Hurricane Nicole has added her own special twist to their magical-time in sunny Florida…..

…..what a crappy vacation…..

My daughter did say that they get things called “haboobs” out in the southwest…..


…..(What’s a Haboob)……

…(okay…not Arizona…but you get the idea)…

…..(maybe if I lived in Arizona…I would have an excuse for my dusty house)…..

If dust storms occurred here…it would just be flying mud…..

Florida’s weather is sooooo dramatic and changeable…..

I’m not surprised Nicole snuck (sneaked?) up on us…..

She wasn’t anywhere a few days ago…then…..

…..BLAM!…she was Here…and then…DOUBLE BLAM!…she was Gone…..

…..(and this hurricane was COLD! too)…..

It’s not unusual during the rainy season to have torrential rain on one side of the street and for it to be dry & sunny on the other…..

…..at least in northeastern Ohio…when it’s a cloudy day…it’s very decisive…it gets cloudy…it stays cloudy…it rains…or snows…but cloudy is guaranteed…..

Florida’s just so fractious…..

…..you get whip-lash with the changes…..

…..twenty-four hours after Nicole’s gone…the weather’s forecasted to be gorgeous & cool & sunny…..

I feel sorry for my daughter’s friends…their vacation schedule…put them smack-dab in the middle of Nicole…spoiling their fun with Mickey and Company…..

For the rest of us…it was just another day at the Oasis…..

Nicole made our roof spring a leak…(sigh)…temporarily flooded everything outside…threw some small limbs around…and made the Irish Wolfhounds smell like…..

…(Ibis & Storks in the back pasture)…

…..well…………………wet dogs…..

Oh…and Wisp threw up in the house after trying to drink all the mud puddles…..

See…just another day at the oasis…in the swamp…..






#hurricanenicole #ohio #northeasternohio #duststorm #irishwolfhound

#oasis #disneyworld #epcot #mickeymouse #phoenix #arizona #orlando #haboob

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