***Fireplace Flue***

***Fireplace Flue***

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I know our fireplace needs to be checked out…..

But…I don’t know what I’m looking at…..

I need to invest some more time on YouTube…and see what extra tidbits I can learn…..

I AM collecting chimney-jargon…..

…..up-draft…down-draft…shiny creosote (versus other creosotes?)…smoke shelf…T.S.P. (trisodium phosphate)…damper…flue…chimney cap…and the National Chimney Sweep Guild…..

Probably that last one…is the one I should try really hard to remember…..

They have a website where you can search for qualified chimney sweeps…and that sounds like a good idea…..

…..(National Chimney Sweep Guild)…..

…..I’m realizing I’ve been abusing my fireplace for years…(not intentionally)…..

…..poor thing…who knew?…..

I think our damper is broken or off it’s track…I’ve come to the realization…that I probably wouldn’t know a healthy flue from a sick flue…(Ha!…sick Flu!…get it?)…..

I suppose all of them are messy and sooty…..

I mean…it’s a chimney after all…..

…..but…something’s wonky with ours…..

…..I can’t blame it all on B-grade (or maybe it’s really D-grade) firewood…..

…..that much smoke…spewing into the house…can’t be a good thing…..

I know I’m burning grundgy/pithy wood…but would it cause that much of a problem with smoke and unhealthy inhalants?…..

All the hairs inside my nose are covered in soot…my cuticles and fingernails are just plain nasty……(TMI?…probably)…..

We have the chimney brush…but I think our fireplace requires a professional’s evaluation…..

I mean…we are talking about the chance of house fires and sparks flying out of an uncapped (leaking) chimney…..

I’m glad I found out about the N.C.S.G…Dick Van Dyke would approve…..





#updraft #downdraft #kindling #chimneyfire #marypoppins

#dickvandyke #nationalchimneysweepguild #ncsg #creosote #chimneysweek #flue #damper

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