***Fire Ant Surprise***

***Fire Ant Surprise***

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I had to take a time-out from a clean-up chore…..

I was going to clean-up the area around the hitching post on our driveway…..

Addy at the hitching post…

…..all of the recent rains have washed leaves and sand into wet dunes all over the cement…..

It’s not dry enough to blow off yet…it needs a flat-bottomed shovel to scoop and push all of the debris back to where it came from…..

I needed this cleared so I can start to pressure-wash the Clydesdale’s leg feathers…..

I didn’t want to inadvertently make unnecessary mud from all of the residual-gobbed-up dirt from rain storm drainage…..

Claire & her feathers…(and Guillaume)…

We had leaned some of our plastic hay pallets against the hitching post…..

So…I dutifully started dragging them to a different area…..

Our Pallets


I hadn’t looked at what I’d disturbed…as I gripped the pallets under my arm and started hauling them to a better location…silly me!…I should have known better!…..

…Fire Ants…

………….But…Oh No!………….

…………………………….BIG MISTAKE…………………………….

I got swarmed by fire ants…..!!!…..

How can those tiny tiny ants sprint so very very fast!?!…..

Can You See Them!?!…Can You See Them!?!…They’re Everywhere!…They Blend Into The Ground!…

They can cover major mileage in a heart beat!…..


…..there is a slight delay to their scorching burn…(or maybe it’s just because I’m old and my nerve endings are dulled and/or dead…..

BUT…I was on my second pallet before EVERYTHING started burning…..

…..I may have been outside…barefoot…and wearing only a big tee-shirt…..

…(Me?…HA!…and…Double HA!)…

…..(hey, it’s a hot summer…cut me some slack)…..

As a result…my full arms and legs were left exposed for the ants to chomp onto…..

…..and that’s exactly what they did…..

…..they have some sort of fangs and/or venom…it’s EXCRUCIATING!…..!…..

Usually it takes a few days for the bites to become pus-filled & swollen & welty…..(fortunately I’m not allergic to them)…..

…..oooooh goodie…..

…Ant Bite…(one of a gazillion)…

…..I can’t wait…..

Well…at least the pallets are moved…the hitching post is cleared…and I can start pressure-hosing the Clydesdale’s feathers…..

…..and maybe…just maybe…the hosing will work and will straighten up their nasty/crusty legs…..

…..Isn’t Summer In Florida Such A Wonder-Filled Adventure!?!…..





#pallets #fungus

#clydesdales #pasterndermatitis #fireants #mudfever #scratches #grease heel #welts

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