Finley and Thor

Finley and Thor

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The rainy season is here in full force…..

It’s here with all of its timpani & percussion…..

…………………………….Finley Doesn’t Like It…………………………….

Thor’s  Hammer

…..Thor’s wielding his hammer with regularity…..

You and I have heard these things before…..

…………………………….but Finley hasn’t…………………………….

Thunder and Lightening are ALL new to him…..

Remember when he was born…..I thought he had mule ears?…..


Well he has grown into them (a little bit)…..

…..but they are still on the large size…..

…..and all the better to resonate and reverberate…..

…..poor dude…..

He’s gotten used to the rain drops pelting him from the clouds…..

…..but Florida has very loud and very active lightning displays with storms that roll through with daily regularity…..

… clock work…..

He’ll get used to the scary sounds in time…..

Right now…..he LOVES the mud puddles…..

…..just as much as the Irish Wolfhounds…..

My older daughter has been working with Finley quite a lot…..

…..he’s coming along because of all of her training & attention…..

He recently had to stand still for additional baths…..(because he’s so muddy)…..

…..he was a great big baby…..

…..(it’s hard to still think of him as a baby…..but he is)…..

…..he’s learned how to drink from a hose…..

This area of Florida gets way more than it’s share of lightening strikes…..

…..that’s always a huge worry…..

…..but what can you do…..?…..

Hope & Pray with regularity…..

I know way too many people who have lost their horses/their friends to lightening here in sunny Florida…..

…..that’s the Truth……unfortunately…..


…..again………….please tell me why I live here?…..

…..especially when we are smack-dab in the middle of Florida’s stew pot of a summer…..

…..along with all the regular/seasonal hurricane threats…..

……………………..But In The Mean Time……………………..

…..Finley’s having a blast…..

He’s surfing the pasture mud…..and wallowing in its wake…..

…..and getting regular bubble baths…..

…..(really…..what could be more fun for a baby horse?)…..





#lightening #mud #thor #thorshammer #rainyseason #rain

#colt #florida #floridasummer #hurricane #farm #homestead

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