~~~Finger-Painting with Molly~~~

~~~Finger-Painting with Molly~~~

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…..as promised this is the continuation of Molly’s-Trip-To-The-Vets…..

Due to the excessive “Pong” (Definition Of Pong)…..the drive to Doctor Russell’s was not pleasant…..

What made matters worse was Molly’s continuous pacing and pivoting all along the back seat of my truck…..

…..all she kept doing was grinding the poo further into the already old/cracked upholstery…..

…one of Molly’s past litters…and “the upholstery”…

We had the windows down as far as possible (without risking Molly jumping out)…..

…..my truck REALLY stunk…..I’m glad my younger daughter and I didn’t have a chance to eat any breakfast…..

…..it was one less expulsion that we didn’t need to worry about…..

Molly kept panting and skidding across the bench seat…..

I kept driving…..

Upon our arrival at Doctor Russell’s office…..I explained the situation…..and we were politely asked to bring Molly to the back door…..

…..(she wasn’t considered “Waiting-Room-Appropriate”)…..

…..my hands were even slipping on her leash (eeewwwwww)…..!…..( I never got it back)…..(Hey…Poo washes off!)…..

With Molly ensconced at the good Doctor’s office…..my daughter & I turned around and headed home…..

…..I treated us to McDonald’s Egg McMuffins…..which we held VERY gingerly with carefully placed napkins…..

…..(fast food treats are few and far between for us…..we just cannot let one dog’s IBS shut us down)…..

Once home…..

…..the cleaning/scrubbing/hosing/disinfecting and scouring/bleaching/scraping/steaming began in earnest…..

…..everything was rinsed/lathered/& repeated…..(again and again)…..

The poop was even jammed down & under the back bench seat…..plus all of the leather upholstery was old & cracked & split (exposing the foam-rubber cushioning underneath)…..

Yep…..you guessed it…..the poop had saturated everything…..

I had to use a wire-brush to clean out the seatbelt clips…..there was poo crammed in and around ALL of the buttons and orifices…..

…..and then after ALL of that…..I had to bleach/scour/scrub/& disinfect my hands/fingers/& cuticles…..

By the time we went back to pick up Molly…..my poor truck had been completely opened and aired for hours and hours…..in the hot/afternoon sun…..

…..which really only seemed to percolate everything…..

A veritable distilled/infused/anointed/& gently-heated potpourri of poo…..

*********************Animal Husbandry…….Not For The Faint Of Heart*********************

(P.S………….now my truck really needs re-upholstering)…..






#irishwolfhounds #incontinence #ibs g #veterinarian #upholstery

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