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The “extra” roosters went to auction last weekend…..

…not our rooster…

My older daughter orchestrated and chased them all down…..

…..(remember those extra birds who were not ours?)…(the surplus roosters who got dumped on us?)…..

…the one on the left is the next Rex Goliath…the one on the right is not ours…

I thought there were only three drop-offs…..

…..well three roosters had mysteriously grown to four…..

…nope…not ours…

…..my daughter caught and caged them all…..

She said at one point she had counted six…(in addition to our home-raised boys)…(nine roosters!)…..

…not ours…

…..(absolutely great for insomniatic/pre-dawn cacophony)…..

…..(we don’t know what happened to those additional two…(your guess is as good as mine)…(but the prognosis probably isn’t too cheery)…..

…..(going unaccounted for here in the Swamp…has dire/depressing/predictable consequences)…..

…..!!!…..And That’s Why We Have A Secure Coop…..!!!…..

…ole’ reliable Caesar…

A Rooster-Rex  knock-off is still here…along with Caesar…..

Guillaume #1 passed on…now there’s Guillaume #2…(the name was too good not to recycle)…..

…the new Guillaume…

…..(I’d like to think that when I punch my time-card…there’ll be a Swamp Hag #2 waiting in the wings)…..

After dark…my daughter scaled the stall walls to reach the barn rafters…where two of the adjunct roosters were perched (along with their kidnapped hens)…..

Another one was roosting right out in the open on one of the forecart shafts…(not a great deal of safety-forethought went into that decision)…..

The last rooster was sensibly in the coop…..

…the last (blurry) chicken on the left…

So the birds are gone now…..

…caged roosters ready for transport…

…..along with Mama Pigs last (?) surprise litter of six…..

…..the piglets were finally weaned and big enough to go “on down the road”…..

What with livestock feed prices currently going through the roof…with no end in sight…cutting down on the mouths to feed is a necessity…..

No more twenty-four hour smorgasbord………….hay prices have more than DOUBLED…..

It’s time to pull in the belt…(again)…..

***I am in the process of making a sign to put out by the road***

***DO NOT DROP OF YOUR !@#$%^%$#@!’D  EXTRA ROOSTERS HERE ANYMORE!  (We Have Cameras)***

But the best news (now that the roosters are gone) is………….the quiet………….







#recession #inflation

#auction #animalauction #feedprices #roosters #pigs #piglets #feralhogs #smorgasbord #crowing

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