Fifty-Five Years Ago, Yesterday

Fifty-Five Years Ago, Yesterday

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I was reminded that Woodstock was yesterday…fifty-five years ago…..

…..and I remember it…I remember that summer…..

*****(Memories of Woodstock)*****

I was in New Jersey at the time…I could’ve gone…friends of mine did go…..

I remember hearing about it…(especially afterwards)…..

Well actually…I’m sure…had I planned on going…my Mom would’ve stopped me…..

…..I was fifteen…..

It was summer…it was August & hot…it was summer vacation…I had Shiloh…(she was a Morgan-cross and my first horse)…..

…..and I spent the entire summer on horseback…..

We lived within hacking distance from two adjoining parks…..

*****(Jockey Hollow Park)*****

*****(Lewis Morris Park)*****

There were a lot of horses and riding in our county…it was a very horse-friendly area…..

I do remember that I probably stretched that hospitality on a few (more than a few) occasions…..

There were a number of places that were probably off-limits for horses and riders…..

…..but…that never stopped my friends and fellow riding buddies…and their horses…and me…and my mount…..

Is it bad that I remember riding Shiloh…(and later on—Rummy) into the historic/colonial soldier’s huts in Jockey Hollow Park(?)…or clip clopping down the pedestrian boardwalks(?)…..

…..(I’m almost 100% sure those boardwalks were not meant for horses)…..

*****(Historic Jockey Hollow)*****

Not the best of decisions…but at least I wasn’t getting into trouble at Woodstock…..

I recently found out that a fellow friend and rider in my current Fox Hunt Club DID go to Woodstock…..

We didn’t know each other then…but…What A Small World…huh?……

I have all the CD’s now of those artists and musicians…I do remember the heat and the rain of that summer…..

I do remember my best friend and me flying down Jockey Hollow Road…and bottoming out her mother’s Chevy Malibu (Second Generation)…while we filled our non-riding time seeking out the next ice cream sundae…..

That Malibu could Really Move…..

Maybe Woodstock would’ve been a safer experience…after all(?)…..






#woodstocknewyork #mendhamnewjersey #brooksidenewjersey

#jockeyhollowparknewjersey #lewismorrisparknewjersey #chevymalibu #woodstock

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