…………………Feels Like………………….

…………………Feels Like………………….

As I’ve complained about before…

August in sub-tropical Florida is not a picnic…

…..well I suppose it could be a picnic…..

This Is Me At A Picnic

…..but it would have to be a sweaty/gummy/melty/drippy picnic…..

………….nope—no fun at all………….

It’s soupy…..it’s hot…..it’s muddy…..it’s moldy…..

…..and I’m just talking about the air…..

I don’t know what the actual temperature was yesterday (or today)…..

…..or what the humidity level was…..

…..but if the humidity could have been higher than 100%…..then I’m sure it was…..

…..(oh wait…..wouldn’t that mean if the humidity was 100%…..then it would have to be raining?)


Well…..it wasn’t raining…………………but the humidity was at least 143%…

I don’t know how the meteorologists came up with a “feels like” temperature…..

…..but they enjoy throwing it around throughout the day…..

And yesterday was no exception…..

All of the meteorologists were telling us that even though the actual thermometer said the air temperature was in the high nineties…..

…..the “Feels Like” temperature was 110 degrees Fahrenheit (or more)…..

I do know that working outside has been absolutely brutal…..

All day long I was dizzy…..

…..with blurry vision…..(more so than usual)…..

…..along with being slightly nauseous…..

…..and some IBS…..


…..too many acronyms…..?


BUT…..in my best/whiniest/puking voice I want to complain that I’m just done with deep-fried Florida summers…..

…..I’m just done…..

…..possibly well-done…..

I’ve got a red-neck…..and a braised/tee-shirt tan…..

This Is Me This Summer

…..along with crinkly/white wrinkle lines all around my squinty/roomy eyes…..

…..and old lady/wizened/leathery/chronic-smoker lines all the way around my frowny mouth…..

…..October is close…..

…..September is even closer…..

…..the potential of the next named storms of Nana and Omar are even closer than that(!)…..

…..right now they are actually doodling around the Antilles (both the Lesser and the Greater ones)…..


…..I am sooooooooooooo looking forward to that one cold day in January…..

It’s looking pretty good right about now………….







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