Fat Addy…(cont.)…

Fat Addy…(cont.)…

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(Addy Eclipsing Anja)

Fat Addy’s new fitness program continues…..

…..well…..she doesn’t know yet…..

…..but it’s on it’s way…..

…..it’s just around the corner…..

I got the new/appropriate gate…..(for the round pen)…..

…..it was delivered by my feed store (after some quick price comparisons with HomeDepot)…..

Gates Are Never Respected Here…

…..remember the necessary gate?…..

…..the one needed to get Addy into the round pen without running the risk of her being distracted by an impromptu date with our diligent stallion…Brave?…..


…..(that’s where I would be trampled & pancaked as an ineffective chaperone)…..

All in all…..the investment in this new gate is worth the money…..

Addy will be put in with Brave this autumn…..

…..but in a month or two…..

…..when it is cooler…..

…..and more appropriate for foaling (in eleven months)…..

So I’m getting there…..I have the new gate now…..(along with another one that’s been leaning there since July)…..

…..the next step is to “actually” put them in…..

(This is where the long gate needs to be installed)…

The longer gate needs to go where we had to cut the back yard livestock fencing…..

…..so that we could get the truck and trailer in to load the hogs (from the back pasture for the auction) last summer…..

(Hay String For Universal Fix-Its)…

…..it’s only been semi-secured with hay-string and zip-ties since then…..

…..and now there’s gate #2 to be installed…..

I’ll get there…..I will…..


In the meantime…..

Addy’s stress-level is increasing while she awaits the ominous-approach of her up-coming round pen training…..

…..(and subsequent riding & Fox Hunting)…..

Life can be tough…..Addy…..Life can be tough…..






#clydesdale, #foxhunting, #roundpen, #drumhorse, #stallion, #horsebackriding, #horsebreeding,

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