Farms and Repairs

Farms and Repairs

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Farms are synonymous with repairs…..

Nothing stays fixed…..

… rots… breaks…’s constantly getting spindled & mutilated by livestock…..

Just when you’ve finished a spectacular project…..some fat beast comes along and sits on it…..

…..(I’ve discovered the same thing about cleaning the refrigerator or mopping the kitchen floor)…..

…..(not that some fat beast squashes it…..but right after you clean the refrigerator…someone inevitably dumps Jell-O on the top shelf that trickles down and sets from top to bottom)…..(what’s the point?)…..

…..(AND that clean kitchen floor?…’s a shiny beacon for disaster)…..

Same thing happens with the farm…..

That new/shiny gate?…..(not for long)…..

That taunt/springy fence line?…..(it’s begging for a tree to fall on it)…..

That newly-seeded pasture?…..(a new strain of fly from the outer banks of New Guinea will devour it over night while you sleep)…..

…..Silly You…..

What do you do?…..just give up?… a time-share on the beach?…..maybe…..

I haven’t so far…..

Does my farm look run-down & ramshackled?…..Always…..

…..(but then… do I…..we match)…..

…..however hope springs eternal…..

My older daughter and her Her-Friend-Grey are helping me…..

They are both good with power-tools & creative common sense…..(a must for any farm)…..

Mama Pig has a new pen…..the buck goats will shortly have theirs completed too…..

… younger daughter’s AirStream-Project has been gutted and is ready for the next stage…..

…..the “stored stuff” that got shoved in the horse trailer (unbeknownst to me) will be removed soon…..

There is a veritable potpourri of projects on this little farm in the swamp…..

… many things that are semi-done/semi-rotted/semi-finished just begging to be completed…..

… boggles the mind…..

… really does…..







#airstream #timeshare #floridaswamp #newguinea #floridafarm #jello

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