Eye-sight………….It’s A Good Thing

Eye-sight………….It’s A Good Thing





I’m less than coordinated at times…


That appears to have been the case recently while I was giving shots to Chantilly (the Clydesdale).

(This Syringe Has A Slip Connection To The Needle)

There are different connection types that attach syringes to needles.

Luer Lok tips and Slip tips are the most common.

Luer Lok Needle Connection


I prefer the Luer Lok.  They screw onto the needle’s hub.  They are more secure for the inept (me)…


………….but the needles I’m expected to give shots with have the slip connections…………

Oh, and guess what!………………..they slip.

Those buggers will slip right off of the hub of the needle, while the needle is in the horse, and you’re left spraying the intended medicine everywhere like a geyser…


There’s a confidence that you need when using those things………….it’s almost an art form.



I don’t got it…




In less than one week, I have successfully squirted Banamine in my left eye (really super stingy)-(and it tastes bad too)…

………………..and Botulism serum in my right eye (the blind one).

I’m pretty sure, neither one of those are good things to splash in your eyes……………

Botox (a.k.a. Botulism Type #A)


…………..even though my smart-aleck vet, Stevie Wonder, said I should have squirted the Botulism vaccine in both eyes…………and…………

……………maybe it would have been like a bi-lateral facelift……………maybe I could have gotten rid of some of the bags under my eyes…


…………..he should be glad he was on the phone when he said that…………..

I’ve been in a mood these days…………..I might not have reacted responsibly……………baggy eyes and all.

Boy, did that Banamine sting!

Even though it squirted out between the needle and the syringe………………it all went in my eye……………none of it went into Chantilly.

I could even taste it afterwards, too……………and it tasted lousy…

I needed a mediocre Bourbon chaser…………



And that’s the story of why I prefer luer lok syringes over slip hubs………………because they stay stuck together.


It’s not even possible to have inept slippage on my part.



Oh, and BTW……………………………. it’s Botulism Type #A that’s used for facelifts…………Chantilly has been getting a vaccine of Botulism Type #B…


So there!!!……………..Stevie Wonder!  HA!………






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