Exploding Goats

Exploding Goats

Irma & Sons

Golgi tendons and goats birthing…

Aaaaahhhhhhhh…….the necessity of multi-tasking when you live on a farm…

???Golgi Tendon???

Fresh disasters come with every sunrise…

…..and sunset…

…..and anytime in between…

…..these weren’t disasters per se…..just exploding goats…..

Soooooooooo……..I am “trying” to listen to YET ANOTHER Virtual Sports Medical Seminar…..

…..the National one, this time…..

(the whole nature of a “virtual” conference means…..my linen closet is devoid of new hand towels)-(because I’m not in the hotel to five-finger-discount new ones)…..

This morning started with a BANG!…..!

My older (cyber-intelligent) daughter was at St. Pete beach for a weekend birthday party…..

…..I was still at the kitchen table with my laptop…..trying to download apps & register for…..yet another multiple day virtual conference…..

Archimedes & Gatsby

(actually, I usually don’t “do” the National NATA Conference…..I can’t afford it, it’s not in our budget…..but this year it was “virtual”….. so, I could actually “go”)…..

…..via the kitchen table…..


…..but could I download and app-up and actually get there from here (without the help of my daughter)…..(?)…..


Yes, there was primal screaming involved…..

……but that’s a given…..right?…..

Yes, there was an extended moment when I almost pitched my computer into the fireplace…..

But FINALLY…..I was able to get connected (somehow) and start the on-going agenda of multiple speeches with multiple speakers…………………stretching on for multiple days…..and days…

…..that’s when my younger daughter came and informed me that we had new baby goats arriving…..(!)…..

…..Sooooooooooooooooo…..the virtual lecturers were left to orate to an empty room………

…..(shhhhhhhhh…..don’t tell the NATA)…..

…..while my daughter and I ran out to the pasture to check on the new babies…..

Irma & Sons

…..Irma was the new mom…..

…..she was one of the products the last time the fencing went down (and the bucks got out) during Hurricane Irma…..

Irma had handled things on her own by the time we got there…..

…..all was fine…..

So…..I went back up to the house to continue my seminar…..

…..then later…..my younger daughter back out to check on the babies…..

…..she came back saying there were more babies…..


…..I had to leave the computer self-orating again…..

…..while we booked it back out to the back pasture to dip more umbilical cords with povidone-iodine solution…..

Dipping An Umbilical Cord

…..but we noticed…..Irma only had one baby at her side…..


Irma & Son

…..necessarily my younger daughter and I started scouring the back swamp (i.e. the goat pasture) to see what had happened to Irma’s missing son…..

…..(my imagination was running amok)…..(all of my worries were in Sam Peckinpah-gruesome-technicolor)…..

After hours & hours of searching (twenty minutes)…..

Irma’s OTHER Son

…..we ultimately found the abandoned kid curled up and silently-hiding in some tree roots…..a long…..long…..way away from his mom…..(!)…..

…………………and then…………………

I was able to go back to the kitchen…..and my laptop…..which was happily chatting away by itself about heat exhaustion and the need for rectal temperatures…..

…..Stupid, Butt-Head Mother!…





3 thoughts on “Exploding Goats

    1. I know!!!
      I miss stealing the complimentary tea bags!!!~~~~~~~I was even considering “lifting” the wooden, sample box for you last year!!!
      No Earl Gray…No Constant Comment…No English Breakfast Tea!!!
      It’s tragic!!!

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