~~~(update): ETA Is Now A Hurricane (1)~~~

~~~(update): ETA Is Now A Hurricane (1)~~~

…………………Tropical Storm (?) Eta is doing something out in the Gulf…………………

Here let me show you…..


Tropical Storm Eta On Tuesday Evening~~What’s Going On With The TABD And The TABM Model?
Hurricane Eta As Of This Morning~~The TABD Model Is Still Nuts!  (Sorry for the grainy photos…they are screen-shots with an old-fashioned camera)

There…..isn’t that crystal clear!?!…..

Occasional early bands of rain splashed over us yesterday…..

I actually like that kind of blowing rain…..

…..it’s soft…..

Wet Brave

Right now…..we are on the east side of the storm…..

…..that’s the wet side…..

…..it scoops up the water…..

…..and then it dumps it on us…..as it goes around counter-clockwise…..

Rain Dripping On The Buggy Seat…..(which should be tarped)

Everything is drippy…..

…..the Runner Ducks love it…..

…..but it’s nowhere close to what she originally delivered to the folks in Nicaragua…..

Eta was a beast when she went over that poor country…..

*****Hurricane Eta Was A Category “4” Over Nicaragua*****

…..hopefully there won’t be a Theta…..(there’s already a Theta)…..

…..and definitely…..we don’t want to get to Mu…..

I think Eta will stay a Tropical Storm…..(I was wrong)…..

Rain Off The Eaves Of The House From Eta

…..and a rain producer…..

…..hopefully not too much of a rain producer…..(wrong again)…..

Early Rain Bands Over The Back Pasture From Eta

Things have finally dried out…..

Wet Claire

…..I don’t want to go back to the slop…..(we did)…..

…..and I really don’t want to get to Mu…..(?)…..


(P.S.~~~I HATE when hurricanes hit at night…..in the dark…)






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