


It’s one of those two, even-steven days of the year.


It’s that special time of year where, I guess, the daylight-time of the day is equal to the dark time of the day…



I’m still trying to get used to the “Spring-forward” time change, which was last weekend———-at least, I think it was.

It’s harder for me to deal with than the “Fall-backwards” one that’s later on in the Fall.


I always feel like I’ve been robbed an hour of sleep with this one.  In the Autumn, I feel like I’ve scored an extra hour’s sleep.



I think that’s because the Wolfhounds still get me up at the same time because their motivator is the actual daylight versus what the clock says.

Wait————that would mean that they should wake me up earlier after the Autumn-time-change, not the Spring-time-change……………..what???

No, it’s the other way around…………….wait……………no, it’s not……………yes, it is!!!


Then why are the #$%@@#$% hounds waking me up earlier now???  Shouldn’t that be happening in the Fall?



They are working their dog-and-pony-show at both ends of the equinoctial (is that really a word?) year!!!




We are going to have words tomorrow morning…………………even though that still means that they got me up (in order for me to have words with them at all).




But hang on, they are hounds, so any “words” that I am going to have with the Wolfhounds tomorrow morning are just going to sound to them like:  Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah……………………




I’ll try my Vulcan-Mind-Meld on them…



I doubt that will translate into Irish Wolfhound either.

Maybe just holding the pillow tighter over my head and ears will get me a few more minutes of Zzzzzzzzzz’s.



It’s a canine conspiracy!!!  And, I’ve been duped!




**********Note To Self**********

Check the Farmer’s Almanac before you write about celestial occurrences.  You might just be off by twenty-four hours……………………..(but this is a private blog…………………….and it’s only between Pascal and me…………………..and Pascal is forgiving and non-judging………………..and Patrice just doesn’t care.)






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