Enter Addy

Enter Addy


My Hunt Horse!!!!!!!

Addy is finally home.

I’ve kept very quiet about Addy.

She’s been camouflaged and ensconced at Mary Constance’s for weeks until I was able to complete all of her necessary botulism vaccination boosters.

Just like the same routine I had to complete for Claire, Chantilly, and Poppy.


Same as every other horse on this property now.  The three shot series with a month in between each shot to protect them against Botulism Type #B.



The more I research botulism poisoning in horses, the more I realize just how uniquely bizarre our horse catastrophe was last April……………….sigh…


But Addy arrived home about a week ago.  I’m planning on trail riding her a couple times (maybe once) before Hunting with her.

Addy is massive.

Actually she’s “Renaissance Lady Adair”.

But, I’ll just call her Addy.


I Know; I Know; I’m Not Wearing A Helmet. (Patrice Has Already Pointed That Out)…..Geez.


She’s a hugely/ginormously tall registered black Clydesdale.

She rides.

She drives (double & single).




And she’s had babies.  That’s just perfect in my book.



I’ll have to put a measuring stick on her……………….she was sold as 18 hands, but she is taller than Claire (who I know is 18 hands).

(For those of you who don’t know, a hand is four inches———so four multiplied by eighteen is seventy-two inches (at a minimum) at her withers (withers are the bones at the backbone directly above the front legs-ish).

I’ll be climbing up an extra couple of rungs on my stepladder that doubles as my mounting block———Addy’s back is high altitude———nose-bleed level.

Why do I always gravitate to ultra-tall horses?

I don’t know.

But I do like big.

When saddled, her stirrup is at eye-level…



Tall or short it really doesn’t matter…………………if I have to pee & get off any horse while out riding———I’ll never be able to get back on any one of them……………..short or tall.



What does it matter if they are mega-tall?………………………well, I guess it does, especially when I take a gravity-assisted header out of the saddle…

…………….but you see, I don’t plan on that happening…………….I also never plan on having to pee when I ride either……..








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