Embracing The Scavenger Within

Embracing The Scavenger Within

I had to follow up on my last post…..

My older daughter & I did go out in “the back”…..

…..we went back there with the intention of checking on the “status” of the late Isabella’s and Optimus Prime’s carcasses…..

Vultures and buzzards have a necessary role to play in the world…..

And the vultures have been very busy birds here…..

…..a lot of people don’t like them…..

…..we just refer to them as~~~”The Boys”~~~(my father started that label…..and it’s stuck)…..

…..they are very effective and very efficient…..

(…..and very hardy…..)

Years ago I had to remove an arrow from the wing of a vulture who was flopping around in “the back”…..he just took off afterwards…..hope he made it…..

(the goat pasture)

But from where my daughter had placed Prime and Isabella…..

“The Boys” had been very busy and had moved…..dragged…..and/or schlepped the bodies a long way away…..

…..through the goat pasture…..under the fence…..over multiple tree trunks…..and into their own little/private/sylvan/glade…..

…..way out…..in “the back”…..

When my daughter and I finally located the skeletons…..they were in the middle of a tiny/pristine clearing…..in the middle of the back swamp…..

Rat Snake Skeleton

We were surprised to not only find the bones of our two goats…..

Wild Pig Skull

…..but the decomposed shell of either a turtle or a tortoise…..along with the complete skeleton of a large rat snake…..two pig skulls…..and

…..one of our horse’s Jolly Ball toys…..(?)…..

Jolly Ball


Someone had to have dragged that rubber ball from the front horse’s pasture a long, long way!

It’s amazing what critters can get up to!?!

The Horse’s Jolly Ball…..(and a cypress knee)…..(and bones)…

Someone had meaningfully gnawed off the chartreuse-green Jolly Ball’s handle…..

…..but other than that…..it was still good to go…..

My daughter and I were in search of goat bezoars…..(***Wikipedia’s Explanation of a Bezoar***)

One Of Our Goat’s Bezoars…..(I think it was “Skidmark’s”)…

…..we didn’t find any this time…..

…..the critters had dragged everything such a long way…..the bezoars must’ve dropped out somewhere along the way…..

(Be sure not to miss the pee bottles)…

BUT…..we found so much more than anticipated!…..

We carried the (semi) complete goat skeletons back to the goat pasture, and retrieved them from there in the wheelbarrow…..

We intend to make some candle-holders using the spinal cord orifices of their lumbar vertebrae…..

*****Link To “The Bone Room”*****

…..but no bezoars this time…..

…..we left the Jolly Ball for them to play with…..

It makes my imagination run wild thinking of the raucous parties they’re having back there under the full moon at night…..(?)…..

~~~(Where To Buy Your Own Jolly Ball)~~~






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