Electrical Storm = No Electricity

Electrical Storm = No Electricity




Just came out the other end of a dramatic and excessive thunder-boomer.

It hit real CLOSE!!!

We’ve got the power back on again.  Three hours out.

The transformer on the telephone pole just outside our house got fried…

And the transformer just across the street flamed out…


But we were lucky…………..it appears that everyone of the hooved and feathered-type have come through all right…





It’s not unusual for this time of year and for this area of Florida…

……………..but “those special bolts” really curl your hair.



You never get used to them.


So………………………remember our new oven?

You know, that new oven which is less than a week old?

Yep, that one……………….

We’re checking it out right now…


It was probably fried too…………………looks like it will only heat to 100 degrees now.


But, good news, the ink on the warranty contract hasn’t even dried yet…………sooooooooooooo………..replacement or repair?  That’s the question…?

A quick check-list of other electrical appliances says that the A/C is still A-Okay.  The microwave, washer & dryer are still working………………..two huge transformers bit the dust (but they are not ours to fix), and as far as I know the refridge and the chest freezer are still icing away………and the TV’s on…

Soooooooo, life is good………………..and the beat goes on……………..

But that bolt…………………………………WoW Wee!………………..It was right on top of us!

It certainly got everyone’s attention!!!

We were all elevated a good six inches off the ground!

Well no harm, no foul…………………

…………….we live and breath and await another thunder boomer to be expected like clock-work about the same time tomorrow…………

It’s the typical, summer, sub-tropical pattern……….

Ya just gotta love Florida…………..!






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