~~~Duck Eggs For Breakfast~~~

~~~Duck Eggs For Breakfast~~~

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“Nancy” the Runner Duck

Runner Ducks are seasonal layers…..

They lay wonderfully large eggs…in the Springtime…..

Duck Eggs & a Chicken Egg

We’ve been taking advantage of their super-sized eggs this Spring…..

Poached eggs for breakfast are the best…..

Poached eggs on toast is even better…..

Runner Ducks have tiny little ineffective wings…they can’t get off the ground with them…..

…..they like mud…and love water…..

The ducks have an inability to fly up into the nesting boxes that the chickens use for their egg laying…..

…..so what better place to lay their eggs…than in some nice squooshy mud…..

…..they think it’s great…..

It doesn’t make the egg shells look particularly pristine…..

But after a little washing…(and maybe some aerobic scrubbing)…it’s safe to crack open and eat…..

Sometimes the “cracking” needs to be a hearty thwack…or maybe two or three hefty full-arm swings…..

My younger daughter saves the shells for her composting with her horticultural business…..

But the resulting morning’s poached eggs on toast………….absolutely marvelous…..

Duck eggs have humungous orange yolks…..

A couple of those on some warm buttered toast…..



It makes sliding down the sidewalk through a more than ample duck evacuation…a little more acceptable…..

…..on second thought…..

No…it doesn’t…..

But…their eggs are great…and their fecal slippage is the worst…..


But I digress…..


Like I had recently said in a previous post…I have a black thumb when it comes to anything plant-related…..

…..however…where poultry is concerned…I can make anything lay an egg…..

…note the very large duck eggs in the mix…

Who would’ve ever thought that being good with chickens and ducks would rate so high on my curriculum vitae(?)…..

I have a wonderful old recipe for home-made/double-raised bread from my Grandmother…..

…(I don’t know what happened to the tiny loaf)…

It beats any other bread I’ve ever had…but I cheat with a bread machine when I don’t have time to proof…knead…and wait for the real deal…..

And that “pseudo” home-made bread with poached duck eggs…..

…haven’t tried avocado yet…but this looks good…

It makes getting up in the morning worthwhile…..

Plus it’s a win-win situation…because you not only get a healthy nutritious meal…but you get a good workout too…trying to crack those boogers…..







#poachedeggs #poachedeggsontoast #marthastewart

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