Duck Eggs

Duck Eggs

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Runner Ducks

Remember the ducklings that I got through the mail-order catalog last spring?…..

They’ve started laying eggs…..

…..I can tell it’s them…because they don’t lay in the wall-mounted nesting boxes like the chickens do…..

They lay their eggs in the mud…..

Ducks and water and mud………….the perfect trifecta…..

Duck eggs are large and substantial compared to chicken eggs…even with the younger duck hens…..

…..they are hands down bigger…and usually their shells are much thicker too…..

I’ve noticed that these duck egg shells…from the young hens…have a thinner/rougher almost opaque look to them…..

…..I’ll need to keep an eye on that…they might need some extra minerals or calcium…..

“Candling” an egg…

…..just to keep their shells strong…..

I’ve still got some crushed oyster shells in a bin in the garage…I use it for the chickens from time to time when their shells get too soft…..

I’ll check to see if it’s compatible for ducks too…I’m pretty sure it is…..

Did you know that the chickens who produce the store bought eggs have been fed certain feeds and supplements so that their egg shells aren’t too soft…or too hard…..

… make them perfectly consistent for you to crack open for your Sunday Brunch omelette?…..

…’s very regimented…..

Plus the store bought eggs are all sterile…no hatching chick potential…..

Those hens have probably never met a rooster in their lives…..

Another interesting detail is…the definition of what “free-range” actually means…..

… probably changes from state to state or country to country…but it’s not what you’d expect…..

At least here in Florida…the legal definition of “free-range” or “free-range chickens” or “pasture raised” is VERY restrictive…..

…..there’s nothing sunny or aerobic about it…..

Don’t get me started on chicken housing rights…..

*****(The Fine-Print Is NOT What You’d Like To Think)*****

Truth in advertising…not as easy or transparent as you’d like to think…..


*************But let me end on a happy note*************

Last year Dr. Brigid introduced me to a unique & funny wall-calendar called “Chicken Daddies”…..

It’s hysterical…very off-beat…I just got my 2024 calendar…I love it…..

…..Apparently they even have a Swimsuit Edition!…..

I’ll include their website…it’s hard to explain…but it’s worth a grin…go look…..

************* *****(Click Here for “Chicken Daddies Calendars)***** *************







#pastureraisedchickens #perdue #organic #chickfila #eggmcmuffin

#freerangechickens #gradeaeggs #runnerducks #freerangeeggs #duckeggs #chickendaddies

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