*****Down The Rabbit Hole Of Cymantics*****

*****Down The Rabbit Hole Of Cymantics*****

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Notre Dame

*****(The Rose Window of Chartres Cathedral)*****

Are you ready?…..

What does “cymantics” mean?…..

…..I’m so very glad you asked…..

*****(Wikipedia’s Explanation of Cymantics)*****

…(wine glass)…

The shape of energy…..

*****(Cymantic Experiment)*****

Strasbourg Cathedral

*****(More Sound Cymantics to Watch)*****

Well now…let’s try the same thing with water…..

*****(Cymantic Effects with Water)*****

*****(Oooh…That’s Pretty)*****

Oh wait…..

Window Glass Designs & Cymantic Piano Notes

Don’t you think there’s just a little similarity with some of these patterns in stained glass windows and sound waves?…..

I’ve put them all over today’s blog post…they’re hard to miss…..

…..beautiful coincidental similarities(?)…..

*****(TEDx Talk on Geometry)*****

But you have to admit…there’s something comparable and familiar about the shapes in church window designs…just a little bit…..

Religious buildings throughout history have been used for deep thinking…meditation and  internal refection…..

And in those religious buildings there are also quite often musical presentations…..



Chants…and pipe organs (with tones you can feel vibrating through you…all around you)…..

…..choral music…recited rhythmic hymnals and passages…..

Strasbourg Cathedral

Makes you wonder if it’s all meant to be a little connected and intended…huh?…..

In the above listed Ted Talk on Geometry…there is a tracing of the eight year orbit of the planet Venus around the sun…..

…..it looks a lot like the basic pattern of a number of church windows I’ve seen…minus the dust motes…..



Did I mention that I like working with glass?…it’s a solid medium…that isn’t…..

I’d like to learn how to paint and kiln glass…..

*****(The Healing Resonances of Sacred Places)*****

*****(The Unique Beauchamp Chapel)*****

Just don’t get me going with the Fibonacci Sequence…..

…..that’s a rabbit hole I might not crawl out of any time soon…..




#lisadelong #lewiscarroll #aliceinwonderland

#tedtalks #rosewindow #chartrescathedral #whittmoredurgin #geometryofsound 

#cymantics #fibonacci #beauchampschapel #notredamecathedral #praguecathedral

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