~~~Dog Days~~~

~~~Dog Days~~~

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Yep…they’re here…..

We’re deep in the “Dog Days of Summer”…..

…..I’m not really sure I know what that means…..

But the Farmer’s Almanac said so………….so it must be true…..

…..when I hear the term “Dog Days” I envision an old coon hound…spread out flat on the veranda…under a ceiling fan…with his tongue stuck on the floor boards…snoring…..

…..apparently there are “Cats Nights” too…..

…..again…I’ve got no clue what that means either…but the Almanac can’t be wrong…..

It tells me when the first Barbie Doll was sold…and the largest pearl that was ever found…..

…..BTW…next week is Nikola Tesla’s birthday…and National French Fry Day…..

…..and let’s not forget that National Tequila Day is on the 24th of this month…(not to be confused with National Margarita Day which was February 22nd)…..

All of this fabulous information is right there in the Farmer’s Almanac…..

I keep mine hanging on a hook by our toilet…for easy reading…..

Apparently the “Dog Days” of summer start with the heliacal (morning) rising of Sirius (the Dog Star)…..

*****(Dog Days of Summer Explained)*****

…..plus…this time of year it’s super hot here and dogs don’t like it…..

The air is so hot…it’s opaque…..

…..it’s even hard to sweat…..

Actually the sweating isn’t hard…that’s easy…it’s the evaporation that doesn’t happen…because it’s so humid & cloying…..

…..all you can do is just stand in a puddle of pooling perspiration…..

Even when you take a deep breath of air…it doesn’t feel like you’re actually dragging much oxygen into your lungs…..

Things seem hazy and surreal…(or maybe it’s just because of the lack of oxygen in the air)…..

But given a couple months…we’ll get through this heat…..

…..me and the snoring hounds…..






#nationalmargaritaday #nikolateslasbirthday #

#dogdaysofsummer #nationaltequiladay #nationalfrenchfryday #farmersalmanac #catsnights

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