***Disappointed Poultry***

***Disappointed Poultry***

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Sometimes the best stories…don’t have any documentation or proof they even happened…..

It’s usually because they happened in the squalling rain…or at midnight…or during an otherwise/inhospitable environment…..

…..and pulling out a phone or a camera to chronicle the event…just doesn’t seem prudent…..

Last night was one of those events…..

I’m usually pretty good with farm-routines…I’ve become a trained/circus-dog over the years…..

And…like I’ve said before (on many occasions)…a secure chicken coop is a must…especially…here in the swamp…..

…..there’s always “something” hiding and waiting to scoop up and devour unsuspecting chickens…..

Well………….what can I say………….I recently dropped the ball…..

It all began yesterday morning…for some reason (actually it was because Wolfhounds were in season & pining for each other & I got distracted)…I forgot to let the draw-bridge down to open the coop…..

…..most all the chickens took care of themselves and…(wait for it)…they flew the coop…..


…..(that never gets old)…..

All was fine and good…until the sun went down…..

…..and they couldn’t get back in…..

I didn’t discover this until right before going to bed…when I dutifully went to pull up the drawbridge and close the coop for the night…..

…..but it was already closed…..


That meant ALL OF THE CHICKENS were locked OUT and perched somewhere else for the night…..


My older daughter came to my rescue…we located various hens & roosters & adolescent chick-lets (perched mostly on the assorted buggies)…..

…..one by one…we blinded them with flashlights (which we held under our armpits)…while grabbing chickens & pinning them under our other armpits…..

We did this repeatedly…..

…..to get them safely back into the coop (where we unceremoniously slung them inside)…..

…(the Sprinter)…

One un-named rooster turned into a sprinter (who we honestly gave up on)…everyone else got safely cooped-up for the night…..

Here’s a weird-aside-note…..

We found that one of the Cuckoo Maran hens had somehow choked herself on the cut-under wheel of one of our buggies…..?…..(she was already stiff when we found her…..?…..)


…..I had to un-wedge her body…..

…..how she managed to shove her head & neck up and under all of that hardware in order to strangle herself…..???…..I have NO idea…..???…..

…..Why…You Stupid Bird…Why…..???…..

So other than the kamikaze-hen and the midnight-sprinter…..

…..everyone was safely tucked in for the night…..

But this morning…my daughter & I have bruised ears and scratched arms from all of the panicking/flailing birds…who pummeled us with their wings & spurs…..

…..(Look At That Cascading-Series Of Events)…..!!!…..

…..(from one over-looked/seemingly-inconsequential/routine here on the farm)…..

…..(look at the ensuing series of unfortunate events)…..

It boggles the mind…..






#kamikaze #chickencoop #farmchores #barnchores #cuckoomaran #flewthecoop

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