Dia de Los Muertos

Dia de Los Muertos


*******Sugar Skull*******

Living in a very Latin-populated state, this holiday is very popular here.



I like it’s ambiance and over-all philosophy.


I also like Cinco de Mayo………..

Come to think of it, I like celebrating celebrations…


Day of the Dead as well as the old Celtic descriptions of Samhain are all about including and thanking the ancestors…



Let’s face it, if it weren’t for our ancestors…………….we wouldn’t be here.


But honestly, I don’t just talk to my ancestors or family who have gone on before me just on one occasion a year…………….

We chat often…

I ask questions of my Dad daily.

I get answers too.

Usually not what I want to hear………………..but usually really good, practical advice….

Things like……………”Do you really think that’s a good idea?”

Or……………..”You do what you think is right.”

Or maybe………………”Peanut, we’ve had this discussion already, but you decide.”

Sometimes I just get an…………”Ahem………”


Those stop me in my tracks.



I’m here to say the guilt-reflex goes beyond the grave…………….

I usually know what I “should” do…………………..I just don’t want to.

My other applied life-philosophy is what I call my “mirror philosophy”.

It’s fairly simple in it’s application.



I figure that there are a lot of mirrors in my life that I am going to have to pass by and eventually see my reflection in……………




…………..and if I can’t tolerate looking at myself after an important decision……………then I probably shouldn’t have made that decision…

Simple, but effective.




I also do have to put in the proviso that I have rarely if ever felt guilty about ANY of the kittens or puppies or horses or llamas who I have snuck (sneaked) onto this property…………

Nope, not felt one little iota of guilt…………

Maybe that’s pathological……………..(?)

Honestly, I’m really not too bothered by that either…………

I think I need an Airedale Terrier……………







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