*Defamation of Terrier*

*Defamation of Terrier*

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All the terriers I’ve ever known say they have been maligned with inflammatory & untrue accusations…..

Throughout history terriers believe they have been misunderstood…..

…..that complaint inevitably follows this breed of dogs…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~The  Terrier  Group~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My daughters’ have always loved the movie “Best In Show”…..

…..(***(Best In Show—the Movie)***)…..

…..where I drift towards The Hound Group…my family has always decidedly preferred the Terriers…..

…..Terrible Terriers…..

As I sit here at the kitchen table…I can hear my older daughter’s Jack Russell snoring on the couch…..

…..how can such a small dog…out-snore an entire household full of hounds?…..

Terriers go 500 mph…then they crash…and they’re out for the count…eyes rolled back in their heads…tongues stuck to the floor…..

…..until there’s more trouble to be found…..

They look so innocent…..

They’re not…..

My Father was an avid hunter…it seems odd now…talking about eating rabbit and squirrel for dinner…(and spitting out the BB’s…and lining them up on my plate)…..

…..but that was rural life…in the 1950’s…(and it was tasty)…..

My Dad always valued a good hunting terrier…..

He loved Airedales…..

He hunted with Nonnie early on…and later…he always had an Airedale by his side…up until the day he died…..

…..I understood as a child…that terriers have short/glowing fuses…you just had to respect that…..

You could take it all in stride the easy way…or they would educate you the hard way…..

I remember Nonnie as this stoic matriarch…she tolerated me…she liked me…she let me nap with her in front of the radiator…but I also knew not to push her boundaries…..

Nonnie also stayed by my side when I was very little and very lost in a State Park…she stuck by me throughout the ordeal…I was her charge…..

…..you co-exist with Terriers…you don’t own them…..

…..they tolerate you…if they like you…they eat you…if they don’t…..

So when my older daughter wanted a Terrier…(it must run in our DNA)…her first JRT (Jack Russell Terrier) was named Hagrid…..

Her Pop-Pop gave her suggestions on obedience training…it was more suggestions on how to achieve a mutual agreement…with as few addendums as possible…..

And with Terriers…there ALWAYS have to be follow-up insistence…

…..because what’s a boundary?…if it’s not ALWAYS tested?…(at least…that’s been my motto)…..

Hagrid kept chewing through nylon leashes…(terriers get fixated quite easily)…my Dad suggested attaching a heavy-duty shark lure to his leash…..

Hagrid chewed through that too…..

…(poor Van Gogh and his fixations)…

I’ve known Terriers who have eaten the interiors of cars…and couches…and houses…..

…..(did I mention I like hounds?)…..

My friend Tess…loves Terriers…when I first met her she had Falstaff (a Wire-Haired Fox Terrier)…over the years she’s had multiple Airedales and now Cairn’s…..

…..(I still like hounds)…..

Terriers are busy…all the time…(except when they’re snoring)…..

Mary Constance loves JTR’s too…(in fact…Drogo is one of her puppies)…..

Terrier owners (and I use that title “owner” lightly) have similarities…they have to think outside the box…..

…..what’s disobedience to another dog owner…is considered creative-expression to a Terrier owner…..

When my Father first saw Hagrid…his comment was…”I would’ve loved to have put him under the corn crib and stood at the other end…just to see what he chased out”…..

JRT’s are compact…all teeth & muscle…and totally focused…always focused…always driven…..

…..they can wear anything down…..

…(Drogo’s run attachment)…

…..including me…..

…..(did I mention that I like hounds?)…..





#sharkfishing #cabelas

#westminsterdogshow #cruftsdogshow #irishwolfhounds #airedaleterrier #cairnterrier #sharklure

#akc #parsonsterrier #jrt #jackrussellterrier #chapinstateforest #theterriergroup #thehoundgroup

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