Deer With Attitudes

Deer With Attitudes

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The local/wild deer are driving our Irish Wolfhounds nuts!…..

We co-exist here with a lot of wildlife all around us/all the time…..

Wild Turkeys walking down our road…
Wild Boar in the goat pasture…

…..even with livestock-fencing around our backyard…the deer still bounce in and hang out…..

…..there are so many other places they could choose…..

…..safer places…more secluded places…quieter places…(btw—I know where the local 10-point buck hangs out during Deer Season)…..

We have regulars…who pop over the fence and browse or nap or whatever they do throughout the day…..

First thing in the morning the other day…I left out my herd of hounds to run and pee…..

While I held the back door open…and the hounds were sprinting past me…I saw two big does just hanging out midway across the yard…..

The hounds over-shot them…didn’t even see them…(keep in mind…Irish Wolfhounds are supposed to be “Sight Hounds”?)…..

The deer were alert/aware…but not panicked…..

The Wolfhounds were confused and pee’ing…..

The does took advantage of the delay while eight hounds squatted (well…except for Ben)-(he waters the tree trunks)…..

The two deer elegantly and nonchalantly trotted to the nearest bordering fence…collected themselves…and easily launched over the top…..

…..and then stayed within six feet of the fencing…but safely on the other side…..

The hounds went crazy…bouncing and barking…and…bouncing and barking…..

The deer didn’t move…didn’t care…..

…..I think it was a definitive deer-version of a vulgar hand gesture…..

The deer stayed put…driving the hounds into a frenzy…until I got tired of the barking and brought my beasties back inside…..

My older daughter told me about a similar time recently…where a doe was nursing her fawn in the backyard in much the same situation…..

The Wolfhound adults again over-shot and missed the mom and baby entirely…..

…..just little Wisp was left in the near proximity of the mama deer…..


Wisp didn’t know what to do…so she walked over to the mama and poked her in the back leg with her nose…..

…..that prompted the doe to bolt with her baby in one direction…and Wisp took off towards the rest of the Irish Wolfhounds…..

Wisp was the celebrated baby-hound of the moment…while mama doe and baby easily bounced over the fence and hid in the woods…..

… just can’t make these things up…..

I guess you could say that the deer are relaxed here because they are fed and watered…(not intentionally)…it’s the food that’s already there for the poultry, goats, pigs, and horses…..

So I guess we domesticated them…sort of…..(?)…..

…..but not intentionally…..(?)…..

…..(thank goodness we don’t have Scottish Deerhounds…huh?)…..

Good thing we don’t have wolves………….they’d really be in trouble…..(ha!)…..






#whitetaildeer scottishdeerhounds #wolves #deer #coursinghounds #sighthounds 

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