Danny vs. Copernicus

Danny vs. Copernicus

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~~~~~~~The Great “Kitty/Papillon Smack-Down” continues!!!~~~~~~~

*****~~~~~~~Danny Zucko versus Copernicus~~~~~~~*****

Copernicus & Danny

I’m taking bets…..

Danny (the dog) always starts the fights…..

…..the cats always finish it…..

…..(oops, I guess I just shut down the betting potential, huh)…..


His other sparing-partner is Prosecco…..

I’ll tell you right now…..Danny is ALWAYS the whiney-looser…..

…..he’s a fluffy-whoosie…..

…..(don’t tell my younger daughter I said that)…..

…..(well actually…that’s not true…he does regularly make the Wolfhounds cry)…..

Prosecco is the tougher opponent…..


…..she immediately bites him on his bony paws…..

…..he squeals…..

…..my younger daughter comes to his fluffy-rescue…..

…..game over…..

Copernicus and Danny can go at it for hours…..

Copernicus out-weighs Danny by a lot…..I know Danny weighs 4 1/2 lbs.

Copernicus is super heavy and dense…..(I don’t know how much he weighs)…..

No claws are involved…..teeth, yes…..primal-growling, yes…..claws, no…..

Apparently those are the rules…..

…..something the equivalent to the Marquess of Queensberry’s Rules of Sporting Etiquette…..

*****Queensberry Rules Explained*****

…..no eye-poking with clawed-paws…..

…..only intermittent butt-biting is allowed…..

…..sucker-punches appear to be acceptable…..

…..rabbit-kicks to the gut (simulating disembowelment) always an advantage for the cats…..

…..and of course…..the standardized ear-biting-technique is always a contest-ender…..

…..(that’s when Danny cries and quits)…..

Who needs Hulu or Netflix?

I’m making book and the family’s entertained…..

Nobody gets permanently hurt…..

That’s a Win/Win…now isn’t it?…..







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