

My younger daughter has recently gotten a puppy.

A little Papillon puppy.



As in Danny Zuko, from “Grease”

……………..my daughter loves her musicals.



Honestly, there was a time we got so fed up with listening to “Oklahoma” that we hid the VHS tape………………………and then that was traded off for an over-consumption of “Mama Mia”.

We hid that one too.

Don’t get me wrong, I do love a good musical………………………but when you start dreaming in Technicolor with the soundtrack of “Paint Your Wagon” as the backdrop………………….well, that’s just enough isn’t it?…………………(but I do think that Mariah IS a nice name for the wind).



But back to Danny.

He’s such a cutie.

He’s just so adorable!





You can’t stop staring at him……………….he’s just so scrumptious.

I’ve started referring to him as “the Crack Puppy”.  Because, you just CAN’T stop staring at him……………………he’s just SO adorably cute.


Danny is four months old.

We’ve never had a real lap dog before.

We’ve had small terriers that we’ve forced into being lap dogs for that nano-second of time when you can get them to stand still and stop chewing on things.

We’ve had Irish Wolfhounds forever……………………they SO want to be lap dogs……………………but they can only put parts of their hugeness on you at one time…

They REALLY want to be lap dogs………but it just doesn’t work.

And it hurts…..

Especially their elbows in your bladder…

But Danny………….


WOW!  What humungous cuteness in such a small package.

And ALL he wants to do is sit on my younger daughter’s lap…………….ALL day long!!!


Given the recent sad, sad loss of my daughter’s Fjord horse, Sonja…………….the advent of Danny is so very appropriate and timely and important for her right now.

He eats a thimbleful of kibbles.  He drinks a tablespoon of water.

His poops and pees are easily missed………………..that is until they unwittingly squish up between your toes from a clandestine, over-looked, opportunistic location.

Good times…

My younger daughter is working on the regular house-training routine…………….it’s a work in progress…

AND…………….Danny will forever be forgivably cute, plus he is helping her so very much through this emotionally fragile time.

Thank you, Danny…






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