………………..Dammit, Addy…………………

………………..Dammit, Addy…………………

I “had” hoped that Addy’s baby would come on June’s full “Strawberry” moon…

…..often a full moon can trigger these things…

…..but, Nooooooooooooooo…..

…..other things DID happen…


…..Addy decided to colic…….


…..she went off her feed…..she went off her hay…..she stopped pooping…..


(Time out for banging my head against the wall!)

…..there was some good news…….

…..and there was bad news…….

The bad news…….was (obviously) that Addy colicked…….


…..that’s super bad, especially for an end-stage pregnant mare…….

But let’s get to the good news quickly…….(because we all need good news)…….

…..during the rectal examination, the vet felt her baby move…….

…..Tra La!…..Tra La!…..Tra La!…..

…..that’s REALLY good news…..


Dr. Stevie Wonder was over-booked, so his young colleague came in his stead…….

We had already kept Addy in her stall over-night…….

…..the big girl had already gotten a shot of good ole’/trusty Banamine…….

…..she was given no hay…….or grain…….

…..just plenty of water…….


…..and in the morning…….she still had no appetite and no poop in her stall…….

…….(this is a problem)…….

…….Stevie Wonder’s young colleague returned again to remediate Addy’s issues…….

(This young lady weighs about as much as my right thigh…..Addy’s head jerks lifted her right off the ground several times!)

Hanging I.V. Bags From The Hay Loft Rafters

…….we sedated Addy…..temp’d her…..tube’d her…..took her vitals…..shot her up with more Banamine…..and had as many dried road apples removed (as possible)…….(the foal was in the way)…….

Road Apples

It appeared that Addy is/was dehydrated and constipated…….(not surprising, considering there is a foal laying on her intestines and squishing them).

Yesterday…..she was given almost two gallons of water combined with mineral oil pumped through a hose that went through her nose…down her throat…and into her stomach…….

And as that did NOT produce any manure…..today we repeated the same tubing…….plus more…..

Addy’s I.V.’s

…..we added an I.V. stream from SIX (6) 5000ml bags of Ringer’s Lactate…….(30 liters total)…

Addy In Her Stall & Me In The Hay Loft & My Boot

(and yes, this old broad can still scamper through the barn’s rafters to change out IV bags)

And now we wait…

And we wait…

Addy’s still stall-bound…

She still only has water…

Addy’s Empty I.V. Bags

What we are all hoping for is a big/steamy pile(s)(?) of manure in her stall later in the day….

That would be the BEST news EVER!

See, good news can come in big/steamy packages!





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