*****Crushing Candy*****

*****Crushing Candy*****

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~~~Candy Crush~~~

!!!My Phone Has Games On It!!!

…..Who Knew?…..

…..What A Good Idea!…..

…..This is something that should be capitalized on!…..

…..Think of the marketing potential!…..

…..I’ve stumbled onto something Big!…..

And so………….I have discovered mobile games…and I’ve succumbed…..

I’ve stumbled into Candy Crush on my phone…..

My older daughter is just shaking her head in resignation…..

My younger daughter is ignoring my exaltations…because she’s deep into her phone’s bubble game…..

…..But What A Good Idea!…..

…..Had You Heard!?!…..

I mean…I come from the era of telephones attached to walls…..

…..it was a big deal when we got spiral cords…..

We had a prefix of “Clifford 6” and my cousin…Betty Joe Bob ‘s prefix was “Blackburn 5″…..

…..(why I remember these things…I do not know…plus…I have no idea who are Clifford and Blackburn(?)…..

But…I do know I’ve been recently Crushing Candies with abandon…..

Does anybody know the name of that poor little irritating overly-reactive girl in the corner of the screen?…..

…..she’s not going to make it…she’s too manic…..

…..she doesn’t have the right constitution to be involved in this game…..

She regularly goes through ulcer-ridden throes of giggling hysteria…just because I picked the correct Tic-Tac-Toe space…..

…..poor child…..

…..(she’s way too bouncy for me)…..

…(and who’s this Bellboy Primate?)…

And…does anyone else’s mouth salivate when different candies pop up?…..

Normally licorice will do it for me…but I’ve been de-sensitized by the rolling pink AllSorts disc…..

And those little yellow tear-drop-shaped peanut butter-filled goodnesses alway get me drooling…..

This is subliminal marketing at its best…..

And here I am…just an old lady…crushing away…..

I was at the Pulmonologist’s last week…(boring)…but I noticed something…..

There was no little coffee table with old spindled copies of People Magazine or Sports Illustrated…..

…..(you know the obligatory waiting room reading material)…..

Even the TV on the wall was turned off and just staring at us with its black-eye…..

But the packed waiting room didn’t notice…we were all face-planted into our cell phones…..

If I wouldn’t have looked too weird…I should have taken photos of everyone’s various immersed expressions…..

…..(it was a little scary)…..

But I had 2 1/2 hours to fritter away (yes…two and one half hours) in the waiting room…..

Doctor’s have a license to manipulate your life…..

…..(I have some suggestions on where they can store their licenses)…..

I didn’t embarrass my daughters by snapping pictures of strangers (who were way too absorbed in their phones to even notice)…..

I got to wantonly Crush Candies on my new found phone-friend (for 2.5 hrs)…(I think the gummy fish are my favorites)…..

…(again with the euphoric monkey?)…(but these fish are dastardly & effective)…

The doctor ultimately delivered…yet another…vague/non-helpful explanation of why I run out of oxygen and have no strength…..

…..(translation—he doesn’t know)…..

So…all’s well…that ends well(?)…I guess(?)…hmmmmm…..

…(I worry about these things)…

But who the hell is that chuckling monkey?…..

Does the errant orphan child and the primate have names?…do they know each other?…..

…(and where did this little item come from?)….
…(and who’s taking care of him or her?)…(should I call Child Protective Services?)…

Who’s looking out for them?…..

…..and why can’t I get anymore of those party horns?…..

This Candy Crush-thing vexes me so…..

*****(On-Line Gamer’s Anonymous)*****





#mabell #belltelephoneservice

#dixiecrystal #refinedsugar #sugarblues #gummybears #pulmonology

#candycrush #clashofclans #mergemansion #pokemongo #addiction #aa #olga #mobilegames #ama

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