Crop Circles……………or Are They?

Crop Circles……………or Are They?


I’ve been meaning to share this site.

I keep an eye on crop circles through the summer.

But summers are not the only times to watch for these phenomenon. They can be found in sand and snow and lots of places.

From what I understand, a great many of these crop circles have a very interesting way that they are folded over when these designs are being made…………

I believe the crops are bent somehow with microwaves to create these designs and images?

**********Now it could be**********

#1:  Alien messages……….

or it could be…

#2:  Scientists with portable microwaves, just messing around………..


I can’t speak on the former…………….but on the latter…………..



………….Put down the portable microwave and go home and help your family with chores.  Maybe edge the driveway, or clean the garage…………..or I don’t know………………..maybe paint your house.

Do something productive…


…………..quit messing with other people’s barley crops or millet…

Just Saying!



Hey, I keep an open mind………………………….










One thought on “Crop Circles……………or Are They?

  1. La vidéo fait le Buzz sur les réseaux sociaux. section
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