Covid & Debby

Covid & Debby

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…(doesn’t this look like a pregnancy test?)…


I spoke too soon…..

Last Friday evening we all tested ourselves and found we were ALL positive for Covid…..

…..and I was just so glad there wasn’t also a hurricane on our doorstep…..

Because…that would’ve been just too cruel…..


cone graphic
Then TD-4 (Tropical Depression 4) cropped up (I swear out of nowhere)…and started meandering and semi-twirling down in the Caribbean Sea…..

And then it got more organized…..

And started heading North…..

…..into the Gulf of Mexico………….towards us…..


I suppose it’s not a surprise…it is (after all) “that” time of year in sunny Florida…..

So…we were stumbling around…wheezing & coughing…trying to get ready for the potential of a hurricane developing and motoring right over us…..

This storm (Tropical Depression 4) was charted to skirt the western edge of Florida and then it was forecasted to turn right (east) and pirouette inland…over the peninsula…..

At first it was expected to come right over us…..

…..but then…TD-4 decided to veer inland further north of us…..

(this was the path of Hurricane Idalia…last summer…the blue dot is where my friend lives)

…..right over my friends…who got hit by Hurricane Idalia…last summer…..

And they got smacked again with Debby…..

…(not a photo of her trees…but pretty damn close)…

Some of the last photographs she sent me showed they were still chainsawing fallen pine trees which were left by Idalia…..

I feel so bad for them…..

This Covid virus has been troublesome…and its timing has been………….super lousy…..

It’s a variant which came with a boo-coodle amount of muscle & joint…aches & pains…..

…..along with wicked sore throats…and earaches(?)…..

To use a word from Doctor Brigid…the Covid virus has “attenuated” to this new form…..

And it’s an attention-getter…..

As we all know by now…Tropical Storm 4 turned into Hurricane Debby…..

*****(Tropical Storm Debby Becomes a Hurricane 1)*****

Hurricane Debby (while she was still forming)…

All in all…we fared well…..

…..just a lot of excessive/extended rain…a slowly dripping chimney…..

…..(and a house filled with muddy wet hounds)…..

Fortunately Covid takes your sense of smell away…(it’s important to count your blessings wherever you can)…..

Onward…and upward…..





#centersfordiseasecontrolandprevention #noaa #floridahurricanes #hurricanedebby

#covid #covidtest #salmonella #strepthroat #cdc #who #worldhealthorganization

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