***Covid-19 Adjustments***

***Covid-19 Adjustments***

We’ve all had to make adjustments with this global pandemic…..

So many simple daily routines have gone by the wayside…..

Elbow-smacks replace hugs…..

…..(btw…..they’ll never replace hugs)…..

People look naked now if they don’t have on face masks…..

I’ve seen a cool trend of color-coordinating face masks with outfits…..

…..(we knew that fashion-trend was just a matter of time)…..

Maybe I could make masks out of denim over-all remnants…..(?)…..

…..on second thought…..knowing what my over-all’s have been through…..


…..why would I consider putting them over my face and breathing through them…..?…..

*****That’s Just Gross*****

People have adapted in so many ways…..

But for me………….I just don’t go anywhere…..

I haven’t been to a restaurant since…..before…..(?)…..the quarantine first started…..last March…..

…..I really meant it when I said I don’t get out much…..

Our Back Swamp

…..I used to travel on the tennis tour so very much…..all the time…..

…..I like staying home now…..

Our Front Pasture

…..my daily routine hasn’t really changed…..with or without a pandemic…..

Last spring my older daughter figured out that we could pick up our monthly food shopping at Walmart at their curbside pick-up…..

It’s worked out well…..

…..well enough…..once I mastered (?) my cyber-ordering…..

…..that was a slow…arduous…onerous…..


View Out Our Driveway

…..my beefy fingers kept hitting the wrong keys…..

Our Monthly Groceries Delivered At The End Of The Driveway (on our mounting block)

…..(and cancelling out everything)…..

…..the patient/kind Walmart cyber-people were very tolerant…..

*****But Now………….We Have A New “Thing” We Do With Walmart*****

Groceries Delivered & Left On The Mounting Block By The Road


It all works out to be safer…more reasonable…more time-saving & EASIER…..

Easier is always good…..

Using Our Feed Wheelbarrow To Cart Our Groceries In From The Road…(Same wheelbarrow as the one in the “Front Pasture” photo)…






2 thoughts on “***Covid-19 Adjustments***

    1. I was surprised that they were willing to drive out to us. They even pick products (for the same price) that I wouldn’t…..(I always go for the generic-brand).

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