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Insufferable heat…..

The peak of Hurricane Season…..

…..and now Covid?…..

I thought I was whining enough in my last post…that was just a little operetta……

Now…I’m in a full-blown aria…..

The Fat Lady Is Singing!…And Complaining!…..

I have a household full of sickies…we’re fortunate that it’s not the original Covid-19 whammy…..

…..but it’s nasty…with it’s own unique twists…..

So far…I haven’t been too bad…but I’m watching my daughters and friends in our immediate proximity…and they’re dropping like flies…..

…..I’m sure I’m next on the list…..

It seems like this rendition of Covid has a really bad (strep-type) sore throat as a major component…along with super yucky debilitating muscle and joint aches…..

There’s a fun/constant headache…..

…..dizziness…utter exhaustion…ear aches…..

…..and general bitchiness…(Oh wait…that one’s just me)…..

We did some preliminary cooking…when we saw what was coming for us…..

…..we have shepard’s pie in the fridge…along with pasta Alfredo…and loaves of (bread machine) home-made bread…..

I might need to make up some sugar cookie dough while I still can…(the last oatmeal cookies and sugar cookies that my older daughter made…are already gone)…..

…..(can you tell that comfort food is a primary part of our intended sickness and subsequent rehabilitation?)…..

Weight gain be damned…I want to feel good while I’m sick…..

My daughter has been gargling with distilled vinegar…..

…..I don’t think I’ll do that…..

I hope I don’t have to…..

…..that just looks like an insanely painful (but effective) remedy for strep throat…..

I’ll give gargling with Jim Beam a try…..

…..that’s more up my alley…..

…..(it’s always important to think outside the box)…..

So…basically…we are self-isolating…(which is our general life-style anyway…here in our swamp)…..

Thank God the air conditioner hasn’t decided to crap out again…and we have a new (to us) refrigerator…still chugging away making ice…..

And so far…there are no hurricanes aiming at our front door…..

So we’re counting our blessings…glad that we have the diluted-version of Covid…..

…..and we’ll keep plugging along…..

I intend to make a double batch of sugar cookie dough before I follow suit and get sick like everyone else…..

At least I’ll go down valiantly…flailing a wad of cookie dough in my grubby fist…..







#centersfordiseasecontrolandprevention #noaa

#covid #covidtest #salmonella #strepthroat #cdc #who #worldhealthorganization

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