~Country Entertainment~

~Country Entertainment~

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Your perspective changes when you live in the country…..

Things that are considered entertainment in an urban or suburban environment…sometimes loose their appeal…when you’re out in the sticks…..

I recently had a conversation with my old friend…Tess…..

I was so excited about planning an idea for some future entertainment…..

I had to share it with someone…and I knew she’d understand…we go way back…(way…way…back)…..

During the summer heat in subtropical Florida…you do a lot of planning…(while you’re inside…in the air conditioning)…..

You plan things you want to do when the hot weather breaks and cools to a point where you can venture back outside…and not worry about expiring in a greasy puddle of sweat…..

………….you take Siestas…lots of Siestas…in the air conditioning………….

………….Siesta are nice………….

Recently…(while musing…pre-siesta)…I had an idea…..

…..since the KuneKune pigs are so friendly and entertaining…..

~~~~~~~wouldn’t it be nice to be able to sit and just watch them?~~~~~~~

So…to that effect…I bought an iron bench…and it’s being delivered…..

I intend to put it just outside the baby goat’s new pasture…(which is being completed)…..

And then………….I intend to sit and watch the KuneKune’s when we put them out in the same pasture…to graze…..

And then………….I’ll invite Tess over…and we’ll both sit and watch the baby goats and Beau and Clover…with a bag of marshmallows…..

And we’ll throw marshmallows at them…(because we can)…..

I’m also planning for telephone pole stumps…to be put on either side of the bench…for our cocktails…..

My older daughter recommended burying the telephone poles into the ground (just a little bit)…(so they don’t tip over)…and to counter-sink a hole in the tops of each stump with a doorknob drill bit…(for drink holders)…..

…..(maybe she’s seen Tess and me dump too many cocktails?)…..

Entertainment and Drinks…and throwing marshmallows…what could be better?…..

No expensive shopping…no movie matinees…no traffic…no need to dress up…..

…..just us…the marshmallows…and our big purple cups…filled to the brim with cheap wine coolers…..


Life is Good…..

Enjoy the little things…..

Like tossing marshmallows…at pigs…with a friend…..







#siestas #telephonepoles #kunekune #staypuftmarshmallows #kraftjetpuffed

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