+Cough Due To Cold+

+Cough Due To Cold+

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This last week was a write off………….yuckiness has invaded my body…..

I realize…I really haven’t been this sick for years………….so I’ll keep my complaining to a minimum…..


It’s just a virus and a bad head cold…not Covid………….(but at the core………….I’m really a whiner)…..

Everyone within hearing distance knows I’m sick………….I’ve made it perfectly clear…..

Tomorrow I intend to be better………….I do…..

…..but for today…I’ve succumbed…..

Oh…the ague…the aches…..

…..my ears are ringing…I feel like my head’s swollen…I’m cold all the time…except when I’m boiling…..

See………….a head cold…pure and simple…(but I’ll still whine)…(and not the good kind)…..

My older daughter’s been sick too…her nose won’t stop running…my nose isn’t leaking like hers…but all those head-nasties have got to be draining somewhere…(Ewww!)…..

We were sure we were going to give this grungy-bug to my youngest…..

But we haven’t…yet…(?)…and that boggles the mind?…..

We all live “cheek by jowl” with each other…I wonder why one person gets sick and another doesn’t?…..

…..she must have a cast-iron constitution…..

I think my older daughter and I are finally on the mend…I think so anyway…I pretty sure we got it at the doctor’s office last week…(it was filled with damned/old/sick people)…..

This one’s been a nasty virus…..

I don’t think I’ve EVER sneezed this much…I felt like my head was turning inside-out…..

We even pulled out the old/reliable jar of Vick’s VapoRub…it’s good stuff…..

We put on the vaporizer…we spackled it on our chests…..

…..my Aunt Cory recommended that we smear some on our feet and then put cotton socks over it…..

…(note the varicose vein)…

…..so we did…..

I’d like to know how SO much sand gets into my socks and stuck between my toes with the goopy Vicks?…when I’m in the house?…and laying on the couch?…..

…..(sand is everywhere down here…not just on the beaches)…(it’s definitely stuck on me…in my Vicks-soaked-socks)…..

So…home-made soup…lots of sandy-Vicks…lots of hydration…and rest…..

…..and we’ll be “right as rain”…(?)…soon…..







#flu #covid19 #vicksvaporub #homemadesoup #virus #phlegm #vaporizer #cheekbyjowl

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