~Contested Canoodling~

~Contested Canoodling~


*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******

On a farm…..good fencing is everything…..

This is because the only thing livestock have to entertain themselves…..

…..is to swat flies and test fencing…..

…..(they should find more productive hobbies)…..

In the morning, when you first get up…..

…..you have a certain routine…..

…..you get out of bed…..crack everything loose…..

…..make sure your blood pressure has stabilized…..

…..and then stand up…..

…..my routine then is to immediately look out the windows while continuing to stretch…..

…..my morning routine was recently cut short…..

…..when my unfocused eyes focused on three horses standing together in one pasture…..

…..they were all supposed to be separate…..!!!…..

…..Oh, @##$%$#…..  Oh, @##$%$#…..  Oh, @##$%$#…..

Major movement had to happen to screaming/sleeping joints…..

Old bones had to kick into emergency mode…..

…..(I hate mornings like that)…..

Upon screeching to a halt outside the main pasture…..

…..being semi-clothed & semi-put together…..


…..there stood Finley…..Brave…..and…..Addy…..

…..all in the same pasture…..

Finley  &  Addy

…..all staring at me like I was some sort of spinning idiot…..

…..(here’s a short aside***it’s at times like this that I am SO grateful I’ve had Lasik surgery…..I don’t have to take time to slam-dunk contact lenses or find my glasses…..I can just see & run)…..

The three horses wondered what all the kerfuffle was about…..

Well…..it was easy…..

…..they had taken down a gate…..and neatly walked around it…..

So here are some good things to consider…..

I’m big into counting my blessings…..

Brave DIDN’T kill his son…..

…..this is a good thing…..

The gate wasn’t trashed…..

…..it could be inexpensively re-hung…..(more securely)…..

And Addy & Brave looked happy…..

…..probably NOT a good thing…..

You see…..it’s July…..it’s semi-tropical Florida…..it’s super hot…..it’s super humid…..

…..add to that the high odds of canoodling between Brave & Addy…..

…..then add mare pregnancy duration to that…..

…..and you have a foaling in the middle of the heat of a Florida summer…..

…..not good…..

I quickly & unceremoniously checked Addy’s nether-regions…..

…..”things” didn’t look too “active”…..

…..don’t ask…..

…..I don’t want to talk about it…..


…..(double sigh)…..

A phone call was made to Doctor Stevie Wonder…..

…..we have to wait ten to fourteen days…..

…..then we’ll check to see if Addy is pregnant…..

……@##$%$#’ing Horses…..

…..and Brave & Addy are just grinning at me from their respective pastures…..

Brave Takes His Job Very Seriously…

(P.S….I’m hot-wiring the gate…)






2 thoughts on “~Contested Canoodling~

  1. I know how you feel about it, but I am thrilled. My Clyde cross filly was born July 18th, and she did perfectly well. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

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