Conniving Hounds

Conniving Hounds

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They got me up at 4:16 am this morning…..

…..(by “they” I mean…..the Irish Wolfhounds)…..

…..they didn’t intend to wake me up…..

…..they would have been much happier if I’d just kept sleeping in blissful ignorance…..

…..but as a mother and a farmer…..I’ve developed that “extra” sense…..

…..that sense that tells me…..when things aren’t right…..

Not that I want to be…..but I can be awoken out of a deep sleep…..because something just isn’t “right”…..

…..(except apparently when there is a glass window being shattered in my nearby daughter’s bedroom?)…..

…..(I’m not proud of “that” over-sight)…..

However…..what happened this morning was more the norm…..

…..something wasn’t “right”…..

*********************Sabine was in big trouble*********************

There was this smidge of a noise…..

…..the very minutest/obscure sound… was unusual…..and shouldn’t have been there…..

…’s what had me sitting bolt-upright and immediately weaving through the milling Wolfhounds…..

They knew they were in trouble…..

…..when the old lady’s on a rampage in the middle of the night………….nothing good can come of it…..

The wise/older hounds scattered…..the three muses (Sloane, Val, and Sabine) were less astute about my lack of patience…..fatigue…..and subsequent wrath…..

Sabine is not the sharpest knife in the drawer…..(and that’s being generous)…..

…..she still had the wired-residue hanging from her mouth…..

… was the contents of the bag she had somehow dragged out of the dining room’s secretary’s bottom drawer…..

…..the drawer had only been left open an inch…..

…..I checked…..I measured it…..

…..but she somehow got ahold of the plastic bag (where I had neatly stored some seasonal fairy lights)…..

…..and she ripped them to pieces…..


Then just recently the same culprit (Sabine) got on her tippy-toes to rip down a braided-fabric wreath from the front door…..

…..and then she repeated the same dismemberment…..


In between these two illustrations of bad-choices…..

I caught her running down the hallway after scoring a bottle of NAIR depilatory cream…..???…..


…..we now keep the bathroom cordoned off with a gate…..


…..Sabine now spends her nights in a different denuded bathroom (without a shower curtain or soap or shampoo bottles)…..nothing that she could possibly consider edible…..

…..(however…she did chew up the connection hoses for the bidet and the toilet?)…..Why???…..

Sabine continues to make bad puppy choices all ’round…..!!!…..(and she’s two and a half years old?)…..

I hope she survives to outgrow this behavior…..!…..

With my current attitude……it’s questionable…..






#irishwolfhound #teething #puppies #depilatorycream #bidet #toilet

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