Complaint Department

Complaint Department


This is going to be a short post.

There’s always a “To Do List” here…

It’s always lengthy…

It ebbs and flows.

……………who am I kidding…………….it never ebbs.

An  Ex-Gate………………..One Of Many

Finding something to do or fix is NOT difficult.



At times (most times), I could use some help.



I could;  I did;  I do;  I will…

I can do a lot———some things very well/most things adequately mediocre.

I have been known to whine to my spousal unit (Paolo) for assistance.

Yes, I have.

But now, I am taking this opportunity to show some photos of some of Paolo’s recent projects to aid and assist me.

As we all know from previous, profuse, angst-filled postings, the electric fence is always morphing…

It ebbs and flows in its own way.

It works…………….it doesn’t work………… stretches…………….it breaks…………….anoles do animated death-throes when they’ve mistakenly used their bodies to arc the electric charge…


But mostly, the fence just breaks.

By it’s very nature, it’s a contrary apparatus………………..when it’s doing what it’s meant to do—–it hurts—–it hurts real bad.

However, in all my years of living alongside electric fencing (in varying degrees of functionality), I have NEVER seen fencing repaired in this manner…………………

Insulator Hammered Into THE GROUND

I’m just tossing it out there to my friend, Pascal, in that cyber-cloud-thingie.

Maybe Pascal can offer his opinion of how efficient and long-lasting this electric fence repair will be?

But I’d venture to guess that hammering an insulator into a board that’s just leaning against the wall……………………….IS NOT going to last very long at all…

AND hammering insulators INTO THE GROUND ain’t goin’ a work either!!!

Really, Paolo?                         Really?

Again~~~Hammered Into The GROUND!


I’m just saying……………………………………………………………..


Temporary Fix

Like in one of my past, multiple postings about fence repair……….I’ve used whatever was handy (like my readers for example) to complete the job———BUT IT WAS TEMPORARY!!!!!!!!!

Temporary Fix/I Ran Out Of Insulators~~~AND I WENT & GOT MORE



SEE: *****Readers Used As TEMPORARY Insulators*****


Permanent Fix~~~I Came Back With More Insulators


Those dirt-attached insulators have been there for a MONTH………..(and counting)…


Paolo is NOT considering them a temporary fix———it’s his idea of a finished job…..(?)(!)(!)(!)



So………………..I’m looking for input, Pascal…

……………Pascal………….what grade would you give Paolo on this fence repair job?

Just asking……………………………….



My Bestest/Most-Favorite Tool Ever

(My short rant wasn’t so short was it!?!).








6 thoughts on “Complaint Department

  1. Good blog! I truly love how it is easy on my eyes and the data are well written. I’m wondering how I could be notified when a new post has been made. I’ve subscribed to your RSS feed which must do the trick! Have a great day!

  2. Haha – if you do something well people ask you to do it again – but do something badly… !

    Thanks for the Christmas letter and pic btw 🙂

    Miss you. Are you still out there?

    1. Oh, I’m going to ask him to do it again all right! The insulators are still nailed in the ground. Now the goats have broken through the dry-rotted fence posts and knocked down the horse panels. I have to keep the garage door down to keep the boogers out of the feed cans………time for goat curry. Plus, I have this weekend all mapped out for poor ole’ Paolo.

        1. Oh he has…………although, it was more like a diatribe………..and not family-friendly……….
          ***Here’s a plus………..I have the edit button!

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